Girl Scout Ranger

19th Amendment Patch Program

The National Park Service, in partnership with the Girl Scouts of the USA, is excited to announce a new patch program that honors the legacy and spirit of the women’s suffrage movement. Under the auspices of the program, Girl Scouts will be awarded a limited-edition commemorative patch for their participation in a variety of activities. The program will enhance their understanding of the significance of the 19th Amendment, provide pathways for Girl Scouts to learn about women’s history through the lens of national parks, and recognize the significant contributions that women have made, and continue to make, in our world.

Girl Scout Ranger Badge Participation Requirements

There are three requirements that troop members need to complete to earn their badge:

  1. Explore and discuss the significance of the 19th Amendment and its impact on women’s civil rights.
  2. Choose a park and learn the park’s story and the role women played in this story.
  3. Complete an activity from the Girl Scout Ranger 19th Amendment activity booklet OR an activity offered by the park. (Park activities listed below)

Learn about the Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park

Learn more about our park’s story by reflecting on the following questions:

  • Who was Rosie the Riveter?
  • What types of jobs did women take on during this time?
  • Describe challenges women faced working on the Home Front?
  • How have lives changed for women today since the time these women lived and worked in the shipyards?

Learning Opportunities

Here is a list of learning opportunities that can be completed towards the earning of the patch.

  1. Research the park’s web pages to learn about our park.
  2. Watch a video Home Front Heroes—A comprehensive introduction to the World War II Home Front exploring the local story of the boomtown of Richmond, CA. It features first-hand interviews with many of our beloved Rosies and other Home Front workers.
  3. Learning Extension
  4. Engineer Girl—Rosies Agnes Moore and Marian Souza share their experiences working in the shipyards.
  5. Rosie the Riveter: Real Women Workers in World War II—Sheridan Harvey explores the evolution of "Rosie the Riveter" and discusses the lives of real women workers in World War II. (LOC)
  6. Good Morning America Biden/Obama—President Obama and Vice President Biden Honor WWII Working Women.
  7. Rosie The Riveter Song—A fun music video of “Rosie the Riveter” by The Four Vagabonds.

Park Activities

Activity 1: "Dear Diary" Lesson Plans:
Participants will learn and self-reflect on women’s roles in the work force during World War II:

Activity 2: S.F. Bay Trail Girl Scout Ranger – Bay Explorer
Note: This activity is for local use only. Please contact the park for printed materials and information. Take a walk along the S.F. Bay Trail. Observe the plants and animals that are linked together by feeding. Explore Earth’s changing climate and the impact on the S.F. Bay.

Activity 3: Mobilize Now! – Climate Change “Green” Poster

Numerous propaganda posters were created during World War II to try to influence the way people thought, including ones to mobilize woman in support of the war efforts. Design a propaganda poster and share your message!

Contacting the Park

  • Completing the Program: When your Scouts have completed the three required activities outlined above, they will be awarded a limited-edition commemorative patch for their participation.
  • Note: Patches are limited and will be distributed on a first-come – first served bases. We ask that you share some of their work with us through photos or a short video. This will serve as documentation that all requirements have been met.
  • Park Contact: Please email your questions or documentation of badge completion to: Email the Park

Last updated: May 13, 2024

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Mailing Address:

1414 Harbour Way South, Suite 3000
Richmond, CA 94804


510 232-5050

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