Featured Stories

Brown wolf in the snow
Winter is Coming

As fall turns into winter and temperatures drop, get ready to find your winter experience in national parks.

Person working on paper holiday crafts
'Tis the Season

Get in the spirit of winter festivities whether you are heading to a park or staying home for the holidays.

Admiral saluting a row of military
Remembering a World War

More than eighty years after the attack on Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, look back at how World War II changed the nation.

Hiker heading towards a large mountain
Natural Highs

Whether you are climbing to the top or enjoying the view from below, find the highest points in states that are within a national park.

star trails form circular patterns in dark night sky
A Winter Solstice Story

During the winter solstice, the sun peeks out for just two hours in the Yukon. Long nights and clear skies reveal a unique, polar skyscape.

Herd of bison by a thermal area blanketed with snow
Winter Wildlife Watching

The weather outside can be frightful, but there are still chances to glimpse wildlife out and about in parks.

A park's social media post viewed on a smartphone that is stetting on a stack of park brochures
Social Media

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Close-up of woman looking through a camera viewfinder at woods
Photos, Videos, Webcams & More

Explore the national parks through multimedia. Search for photos, videos, webcams, and audio files on any topic.

Last updated: December 3, 2024