Visitor Center

Exterior view of Adams National Historical Park Visitor Center
Visitor Center at 1250 Hancock Street

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The Visitor Center is located at 1250 Hancock Street in the heart of downtown Quincy. We are open Wednesday through Sunday from 9am – 5pm.

Stop by to learn about the park, shop in the bookstore, watch an introductory film, pick up a free Junior Ranger Program booklet and more! We are happy to greet you and assist with your visit.

VC Building Entrance
Interior Entrance to Visitor Center

NPS Photo

Hours: Wednesday through Sunday, 9am - 5pm, subject to staff availability.

Parking and Directions: Please drive to 44 Saville Ave for free, validated parking. Parking for the Visitor Center begins on the third level of the garage. There is no designated National Park Service parking in the garage and visitors may park in any unreserved spot. After parking, take the elevator to the first floor and go out the double swinging doors. Then, follow the signs for "National Park Service" to guide you to the Vistor Center. For directions to the garage and additional parking information click here.

Tickets: Entrance into the historic homes at Adams National Historical Park requires an entrance pass. Entrance passes can be reserved online in advance at or in-person on the day of your visit at the park’s visitor center. Tour reservations are required in addition to entrance passes and can also be reserved online at, or day of at the VC in limited quantities.

Passes: The park sells America the Beautiful Interagency Passes (Annual Pass, Senior Pass, etc.) at the Visitor Center. Passes are also available for purchase online.

Passport Stamps: Three unique cancellation stamps for the Passport To Your National Parks® program are available for visitor use.

Park Information: Brochures and other park information is available at the Visitor Center.

Junior Ranger: Begin your Adams National Historical Park Junior Ranger adventure at the Visitor Center! Two different Junior Ranger booklets—one for Junior Rangers ages 6-8 and another for ages 9 and up—are available at the Visitor Center.

Film: Watch the 26-minute park orientation film, Enduring Legacy: Four Generations of the Adams Family in the small theater. Theater capacity is 24 people.

Park store: The park store, operated by America’s National Parks™ and located in the Visitor Center, includes books, t-shirts, mugss, and other park-related gifts.

Contact: Please call 617-770-1175. Park staff will respond during business hours.

VC Desk Sideview Full Bleed
Visitor Center Desk

NPS Photo

Last updated: April 30, 2024

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Mailing Address:

135 Adams Street
Quincy, MA 02169


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