Florissant Fossil Beds' Lotería Game

On the left is a gameboard called a tabla for the Loteria game that displays 12 cards of Eocene and modern Florissant including, fossils, plants, wildlife, and people. On the right are six staggered cards.
Preview of a tabla or gameboard and of several cards for the Florissant Fossil Beds' La Loteria Game.

NPS Graphic / Karen Ceballos & Astrid Garcia

Learn about our paleontological, geological and scenic resources during a game night!

Our version of the Lotería game consists of four "tablas" or game boards and 30 cards, which you can view and print out. Each card has an illustration with its corresponding word, phrase and number. The cards show the various fossils, geologic features, and wildlife at Florissant Fossil Beds. Since this game is popular in Hispanic culture, the cards are worded in Spanish.

Continue reading below for instructions to play and about the history of the Lotería game!

How to Play

Each player will have their own tabla or game board and one person must be the announcer who reads each card aloud. Each tabla has 12 randomized cards. If the card read aloud is on the tabla, then the player places a chip or mark on the corresponding spot on the tabla. The first player to fill their tabla entirely, shouts out "loteria!" to win the game and/or prize.

  1. View and print out the Lotería game, including the tablas and cards.
  2. Cut out the cards along the dashed lines.
  3. Designate one person as the "announcer" to read the cards aloud.
  4. Shuffle the cards.
  5. Each player gets their own tabla (gameboard).
  6. Play by marking the spots that are read aloud on the tabla (traditionally raw beans or corn kernels are used, but any small object will do).
  7. Fill the entire tabla and shout "lotería!" to win.
  8. To play another round, re-shuffle the cards and clear off the tablas.
  9. Have fun!

History of la Lotería Game

La lotería originated in Italy in the 15th century, then was brought to New Spain -- now modern Mexico in 1769. Originally only meant for the upper social classes, this game eventually became popular among all social classes at Mexican fairs called ferias that set-up in small towns. To this day, la lotería is still widely popular! Lotería is referred to as the Mexican lottery because many people have a monetary prize for the winner at the end of the game.
Banner of four cards. On the far left is a depiction of a towering Redwood tree. The next card shows a volcano spewing ash all over a landscape. The next card shows blue rain drops. To the far right is a trio of petrified Redwood stumps.
Lotería cards illustrating the story of the ancient Redwood trees getting buried in a volcanic mudflow formed from rainfall mixing with volcanic ash. Water carrying silica from the volcanic ash slowly filled the open spaces of the wood forming the petrified stumps we see today.

NPS Graphic / Karen Ceballos

Last updated: December 6, 2020

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