To Look Forward With Unbounded Hope

Orphaned at age nine, Herbert Hoover left West Branch never to live here again. In later years, he returned to his humble birthplace to celebrate his long career of public service. A memorial landscape remains to tell his story: how community, hard work, honesty, and usefulness to others opened a world of opportunity— and the presidency of the United States— to a child of simple beginnings.

A middle aged man in a suit, tie, and high-collar shirt sits for a portrait photo.
President Herbert Hoover

Values learned in his hometown of rural West Branch guided Herbert Hoover throughout his life of service to the nation and the world.

Trees in brilliant autumn foliage frame an old white schoolhouse.
What to See

A landscape of historic buildings, exhibits, and natural areas commemorate the life of Herbert Hoover.

Mothers walk with their young children in a park with bright autumn foliage.
Things To Do

Decide what to see and do during your visit.

A screen from a mobile app shows shows a map and a highlighted feature.

Use the NPS App on your visit to Herbert Hoover to discover the places and people that shaped the early life of the 31st President.

Four chairs and table set a park lawn await a wedding ceremony.
Permits & Reservations

Reserve picnic shelters, book field trips, and apply for special use permits.

A park ranger patrol truck, painted white with a green stripe, is parked by a barn.
Laws & Policies

Help protect the park by knowing the rules before you visit.

A man seated at an easel paints and displays finished paintings.
Artist-in-Residence Program

Artists-in-residence share their inspirations with visitors as they creatively interpret the historic site.

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 607
West Branch, IA 52358


319 643-2541

Contact Us