Natural Features & Ecosystems

The rivers and stream of Lowell helped to shape not just the city's geography, but its ecology and economy as well. Lowell is a city built on waterpower, harnessing the river's potentional to the fullest. In doing this, the larger watershed of the Merrimack River was disrupted.
The Merrimack River is flowing from the front left to mid right of the frame, with rock outcroppings
Rivers and Streams

The Merrimack and Concord rivers are important to the city's history and ecology, and are essential parts of Lowell's identity.

A map showing the course of the Merrimack River and the surrounding watershed running through Lowell

The Merrimack River Valley relies on a healthy watershed to replenish its water supply.

Last updated: September 26, 2020

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67 Kirk Street
Lowell, MA 01852


978 970-5000

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