A Legacy of Honor

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We remember our own NPS law enforcement rangers, a special agent, and United States Park Police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty, express our deepest gratitude to their surviving families, and reflect on our brothers and sisters in law enforcement who continue to serve.

A bronze sculpture of a lioness at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. Text on the image reads "National Police Week" and "Heroes Live Forever" on the bottom along with the NPS Arrowhead and law enforcement badges; NPS photo.
The National Park Service remembers, celebrates, and honors those officers who have died in the line of duty, and their surviving families.

NPS image.

Police Week and Beyond

We give thanks to the thousands of permanent and seasonal law enforcement officers who serve with us today across all of the Department of the Interior (DOI) bureaus. To those who have died in the line of duty since the Department's founding in 1849, we pay special tribute. Many were officers of the National Park Service (NPS). A black band is worn across our badges as a sign of respect and mourning for a line of duty death of an employee who was engaged in life-saving actions, killed feloniously, or engaged in direct fire suppression actions.

National Police Week is a time of particular recognition of all law enforcement officers nationwide who serve and protect our communities every day. It is also a time to solemnly honor the memory of those officers who gave their lives in the line of duty, and to express our deepest gratitude to their surviving families.

These dedicated protectors of our treasured landscapes, visitors, employees, and fellow citizens are commemorated in events during Police Week, including the Annual Candlelight Vigil. Events you may join virtually include:

  • The annual Law Enforcement Memorial Wreath Laying Ceremony recognizing fallen DOI Law Enforcement Officers is video streamed at doi.gov/live
  • Click the link at the top of this page to watch a short film in honor and remembrance of NPS officers lost in the line of duty.
  • View a slideshow honoring US Park Rangers, an NPS Special Agent, and US Park Police Officers who have died in the line of duty, whose names appear on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC - https://youtu.be/hYQUonq8Zn4

Last updated: May 12, 2024