Special Events and Programs

A large group seated in lawnchairs watches a band of musicians
Concert goers at Saratoga National Historical Park.

NPS Photo


Where are we?

Saturday, September 7
10:30 am
Visitor Center

This 60-minute, hands-on session provides participants with a basic-level understanding of compass use, map reading, and the essentials of orienteering. No GPS here, we're doing this "old school!" Space is limited, so email us at SARA_reservations@nps.gov to reserve your spot.

Stayin' alive!

Saturday, September 7
12:30 pm
Visitor Center

This 60-minute, hands-on program exploring some of the basics of wilderness survival, including: getting water, starting a fire, basic shelter, safety, signaling, personal gear, and why food is the least of your concerns! Space is limited, so email us at SARA_reservations@nps.gov to reserve your spot.

History Caravan

Sunday, September 8
9:30 am
Meet in the Visitor Center

Looking for a more in-depth, hands-on experience during your visit? Join a Park Volunteer for a caravan-style tour of the Battlefield! Tours will last 2.5-3 hours. Meet in the Visitor Center and follow along in your own vehicle for as long as you like. May be cancelled in the event of inclement weather. If you would like to reserve your spot and be notified in case of the need to reschedule due to weather, contact sara_reservations@nps.gov.

Canal Walk

Tuesday, September 10
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Tour Stop 10

Meet Biological Technician Linda White at Tour Stop 10 for a walk along the Champlain Canal celebrating it’s opening in 1823.

History Caravan

Saturday, September 14
9:30 am
Meet in the Visitor Center

Looking for a more in-depth, hands-on experience during your visit? Join a Park Volunteer for a caravan-style tour of the Battlefield! Tours will last 2.5-3 hours. Meet in the Visitor Center and follow along in your own vehicle for as long as you like. May be cancelled in the event of inclement weather. If you would like to reserve your spot and be notified in case of the need to reschedule due to weather, contact sara_reservations@nps.gov.

Battle of Freeman’s Farm Walking Tour

Saturday, September 21
2:00 pm
Meet at Tour Stop 6

Join Park Ranger Eric Schnitzer as he gives a guided tour of Freeman's Farm, the place where most of the first battle of Saratoga was fought on September 19, 1777. The battle - one of the longest land battles of the eight-year-long war - was a terrible fight over farm fields and woods and ended up costing the lives of hundreds of men and boys, most of whom are still buried in unmarked graves near where they fell. Meet at the Freeman Farm parking lot (stop 6); the tour will last for about one hour.

18th Century Medicine

Saturday, September 21 & Sunday, September 22
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Visitor Center Lawn

Volunteer Joe Craig explains the Healing Arts at the time of the Revolutionary War.

Royalist Refugee Encounters

Saturday, September 21 & Sunday, September 22
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tour Stop 9

Discover one of the lesser-known stories of the American Revolution as we commemorate 250 years of the United States. When considering the American Revolution, many only think of two opposing forces, the British and the Americans. Yet there is another important and yet often neglected contingent, those who chose to maintain their loyalty to England. There were many families in this region who considered themselves Loyalists, a path chosen for a variety of reasons. This is your chance to talk with a woman who is making her way northward to Canada to reunite with relatives who have already fled the region. Take a few minutes to chat about her unique circumstances, the items she chose to pack, her plans for the journey, and her fears for the future.

Soldier Encampment at Saratoga Battlefield

Saturday, September 21 & Sunday, September 22
10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday
10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Sunday

Tour Stops 2 & 6

Soldiers return to Saratoga! Some of the heaviest fighting in the two Battles of Saratoga involved Major Dearborn’s Corps of Light Infantry on the American side and General Fraser’s Advanced Corps on the British. Both bodies were made up of soldiers pulled from different regiments in their respective armies. You can meet American soldiers from the 1st New Hampshire, and the 3rd, and 10th Massachusetts at Tour Stop 2. Watch soldiers fire muskets, drill, post guard, cook, and sew clothing while there. British soldiers from the 24th and 62nd Regiments of Foot will await you at Tour Stop 6! Activities there will include soldiers drilling, posting guard, cooking, and sewing clothing.

Bird Walk

Saturday, September 28
8:00 am to 10:30 am
Meet in the Visitor Center Parking Lot

Biological Technician Linda White leads a walk in search of some of Saratoga’s bird friends.

Frederick Douglass Returns to Schuylerville

Saturday, September 28
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Schuyler House

Join us as we commemorate and examine 250 years of the United States and meet the great abolitionist and freedom fighter Fredrick Douglass as he returns to Schuylerville! Despite promising in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” the new nation that emerged after the Battles of Saratoga and the American Revolution did not begin to approach those lofty ideals. Among other failings, the nation’s continued reliance on slavery, present from the beginning here in New York, and the exclusion of women from voting were just two of the most glaring. Frederick Douglass, himself having experienced enslavement, emerged as one of the most forceful advocates for addressing both in the 19th century.

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Town of Saratoga Town Hall (12 Spring St., Schuylerville, NY)

Inspired by the ideals of the American Revolution and the sacrifices of his forefathers, the Black men of the Continental Army and militias who served throughout the war and here at Saratoga, Frederick Douglass argued for the creation of the United States Colored Troops during the Civil War. After the war, he continued advocating for an expanded idea of democracy. One place he did that was in Schuylerville, NY on June 8, 1849. Nathan Richardson is an author, poet, and historian who has performed as Frederick Douglass around the United States for more than a decade.


History Caravan

Sunday, October 6
9:30 am
Meet in the Visitor Center

Looking for a more in-depth, hands-on experience during your visit? Join a Park Volunteer for a caravan-style tour of the Battlefield! Tours will last 2.5-3 hours. Meet in the Visitor Center and follow along in your own vehicle for as long as you like. May be cancelled in the event of inclement weather. If you would like to reserve your spot and be notified in case of the need to reschedule due to weather, contact sara_reservations@nps.gov.

Battle of Bemus Heights Walking Tour

Monday, October 7
1:00 pm
Tour Road Stop 5

Join Park Ranger Eric Schnitzer as he gives a guided tour of the fields where the Battle of Bemus Heights - the second battle of Saratoga - was fought on October 7, 1777. The battle was one of the most decisive American victories of the Revolutionary War and put an end to the British scheme to capture Albany. Major new information has reshaped our understanding of Benedict Arnold's role in the battle, and discussing his heroism in the fight will be a highlight of the tour. No sign-up required; those interested should meet at "The Tide Turns" parking lot (stop 5); the tour will last for about one hour.

Soldier Encampment at Saratoga Battlefield

Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Battlefield Tour Road Stop 3 and Stop 6

The Redcoats are coming to Saratoga Battlefield! And so are the Continentals! Come to Saratoga National Historical Park and visit with the British Redcoats of his Majesty's 24th Regiment of Foot as they encamp at Freeman's Farm (Stop 6). Activities include soldiers drilling, posting guard, cooking, and sew clothing. The 2nd Continental Artillery will be at Bemus Heights (Stop 3) helping to keep the British from reclaiming Albany in the name of the king. Discover how cannons, the ultimate weapons of 18th century warfare, worked and experience the excitement of seeing one fired!

Homefront at the Schuyler Estate

Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Schuyler House

Renowned blacksmith Jymm Hoffman will demonstrate 18th century techniques at the forge. Living Historian Anne Clothier will share the stories of Women in Healing from the time of the Battles of Saratoga. Living Historian Sara Evenson will discuss and demonstrate 18th Century cooking techniques. The Saratoga County 250th Commission will be there with their tent full of fun activities for the whole family! And you can visit General Philip Schuyler’s home.

18th Century Medicine

Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Visitor Center Lawn

Volunteer Joe Craig explains the Healing Arts at the time of the Revolutionary War.

Whitcomb’s Rangers Encampment

Saturday, October 12 and Sunday, October 13
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saratoga Monument

Whitcomb's Rangers, an independent company of Continental Army rangers who hailed from NH and VT, will be encamped at the Saratoga Monument. Meet some of the men whose unit helped trap the British here in Saratoga, leading to the first surrender of a British army in history.

Siege of Saratoga Walking Tour

Monday, October 14
2:00 pm
Meet at the Saratoga Monument

Discover the Siege of Saratoga. Following their defeat in the Battle of Bemus Heights, Burgoyne’s army struggled to retreat. They made it this far before being surrounded by superior American forces, beginning the short but unpleasant siege. Park Ranger Eric Schnitzer will lead a walking tour from the Saratoga Monument through part of Burgoyne’s camp. Bug spray is highly recommended!

Candlelight Tours

Wednesday, October 16
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Schuyler House

Experience the ambiance of an 18th Century house in the evening with a special candlelight tour through the Schuyler House! Visitors should be aware that the candlelight tours are low light and may make walking through the house challenging for some visitors. Capacity limits will be in effect for safety and protection of visitors and the historic resource. Reservations are required and are now being accepted only at Candlelight Tour reservations!

Saratoga Surrender Day

Thursday, October 17
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saratoga Surrender Site

Visit with a park ranger to learn more about the surrender of General Burgoyne and his forces.

Last updated: September 16, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

648 Route 32
Stillwater, NY 12170


(518) 670-2985
Saratoga National Historical Park information desk available daily from 9am - 5pm. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message, and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

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