Last Stand of the Tallgrass Prairie

Tallgrass prairie once covered 170 million acres of North America, but within a generation most of it had been transformed into farms, cities, and towns. Today less than 4% remains intact, mostly in the Kansas Flint Hills. Established on November 12, 1996, the preserve protects a nationally significant remnant of the once vast tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Here the tallgrass makes its last stand.

Photo looks through close-up tallgrass. Sky with clouds and prairie in background.
Begin Your Tallgrass Prairie Visit Today

The preserve has nearly 11,000 acres to be explored. Take a tour of the historic buildings, go on a hike, or use our cell phone tour.

Microphone with words "On the air" and cartoon drawing of headphones against a white background.

Check here to learn more about podcasts at the preserve

Beautiful image of green prairie with orange butterfly milkweed in the foreground
Learn about the Natural Prairie World

A world of discovery is here as you see it's "much more than just grass." Learn about the flora and fauna of the tallgrass prairie.

Two visitors pitch hay into horse-drawn hay wagon using pitchforks. Man with cowboy hat watches.
Visit our Calendar of Events Page

Special events throughout the year can be found here.

4 visitors gather around 3d map and prepare Trekker Breeze units before hiking the trails.
Accessibility at the Preserve

Accessible hiking trails, audio described exhibits and 10-minute park video with hearing devices (also open captioned), and more.

photo of kids trying on a bison hide, feeling its weight
Junior Ranger Activities

Make a day of it at the preserve with a picnic lunch, some hiking, kid friendly ranch activities, and Jr. Ranger programs.

Last updated: July 29, 2024

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Mailing Address:

2480B KS Hwy 177
Strong City, KS 66869


620 273-8494 x270

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