Image Credit: Photo by Alan Nyiri. Used with permission

Schoodic Peninsula

Waves crashing over a rocky coastline at sunset
Sunset at Schoodic Peninsula



The Schoodic Peninsula is the only part of Acadia National Park found on the mainland. It boasts granite headlands that bear erosional scars of storm waves and flood tides. Although similar in scenic splendor to portions of Mount Desert Island, the Schoodic Peninsula is a more secluded area. It is intentionally managed by Acadia National Park as a minimally-developed, low-visitation area. It is about an hour drive from the Hulls Cove Visitor Center on Mount Desert Island.

The Schoodic Peninsula is also home to the Schoodic Research Learning Center, a place for science and learning operating in cooperative partnership with the Schoodic Insitutute.

Exploring the Schoodic Peninsula

After passing through the town of Winter Harbor and entering the park, you will pass the Schoodic Woods Campground and Ranger Station. Next you will pass the Frazer Point Picnic Area, with tables, fire rings, comfort stations, and drinking water along with seacoast views of islands, coves and rocky beaches. Leaving the picnic area, the park road is one-way and parallels the western shore of the peninsula leading to Schoodic Point. There are automobile turnouts for viewing along the way. From these turnouts you can see Mount Desert Island and enjoy views of lobster boats, wheeling gulls, and forest-draped islands.

About two and one half miles from the picnic area, an unmarked trail ascends to the top (440 feet) of Schoodic Head. This is a narrow gravel road, so please exercise caution when meeting traffic. Although you can drive up the one mile road, you may choose to walk. On a clear day, from the summit, vistas of the ocean, forests, and mountains claim your attention. Returning to the main road, keep right at the intersection past the entrance to the Schoodic Institute. This is a two-way section of road. Along this windswept coast, huge granite ledges turn Atlantic Ocean waves into lofty geysers and dark-colored basaltic dikes intrude between slabs of pink granite.

After leaving Schoodic point, bear right and follow the road - one-way again - until you reach Blueberry Hill Parking Area, about one mile beyond Schoodic point. If you look towards the ocean, Schoodic Island emerges. To your right is Little Moose Island, behind you and across the road is a steep slope called The Anvil. You can reach the summit of this 180 foot promontory via the trail which starts across the road from the parking lot. About two miles from Blueberry Hill parking Area, the park ends at Wonsqueak Harbor. Two miles beyond the park is the villa of Birch Harbor and the intersection of Route 186.

Check out our accessible wayside tour for audio description files of the various waysides across the Schoodic Peninsula.


Getting Around

The 6 mile (10 km), one-way loop road around Schoodic Peninsula offers views of lighthouses, seabirds, and forested islands. Use vehicle turnouts to stop and enjoy the scenery. Stopping on the road and parking outside of designated pull-offs are prohibited.

Arey Cove Road leads to Schoodic Point, a windswept, rocky point providing spectacular views of Mount Desert Island.

RVs are permitted only on the section of Schoodic Loop Road that accesses Schoodic Woods Campground. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit is 35 mph.

During the summer season, the fare-free Island Explorer buses provide free transportation in and around the peninsula. The bus drivers stop when waved down by visitors and buses are equipped with bicycle racks.


Explore This Area


Enjoy riding the Schoodic Loop Road and the 8.3 miles (13.4 km) of bike paths. Bicyclists must obey the one-way traffic flow on the road and are encouraged to use fare-free Island Explorer buses and bike paths. Steep and winding bike paths provide spectacular views.

Bicycle Safety Tips

  • Riding single-file is recommended as bike paths are narrow and are often hilly with blind curves.
  • Yield to walkers and notify others in advance of passing.
  • Please be alert to emergency response and maintenance vehicles may be traveling on the bike paths.
  • Keep an eye on children in your group.
  • Keep speeds down.
  • Intersection numbers are posted at each junction.
  • Keep track of where you are and where you're going.
Campsite in a forest with multiple tents
Group camping at Schoodic Woods Campground.

Will Newton/Friends of Acadia


Tent, hike-in, group, and RV sites (with hookups) are available at the Schoodic Woods Campground..


Schoodic Peninsula has many hiking opportunities.


Ranger Programs

Park ranger programs at Schoodic are offered seasonally. Check the calendar below for scheduled programs. For programs offered by our partner, the Schoodic Institute, check their events calendar.


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