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Surname: Given Name: María Josefa Sex: F
Place of Birth: Yuma Nation Date of Birth: Order:
Place of Death: Caborca Date of Death: 03/23/1764 Cause of Death: Sickness
Race or Tribe: Yuma Residence: Yuma Nation Title: Primera Yuma bautizada
Place of Service: Burial Place: Caborca Translation:
Notes: En veinte y tres de dho mes (Marzo de 1764) llegó al termino de su peregrinación, y entró - como podemos esperar - el el puerto de la patria celestial, donde descansará sin termino, Maria Josepha, India de la Nacion Yuma, de edad de treinta años, pocos mas o menos. Salio de su tierra gentil y al quarto dia de su enfermedad - que dio la vida á su alma - fué bautizada la primera de su nacion. Y al octavo recibidos los SS. Olios, tomó la primera possisión de el Cielo, como podemos piadosamte esperar de la Bondad Divina, dexandonos pa esto bastante ---. Pues, dos noches antes de su muerte en que llamaba su Madre, que veia en el ayre, llamandola con la mano. Yo preguntada de que Madre hablaba, si era la que avia dexado en su tierra? Respondio que no hablaba de esta, sino de Santa Maria su Madre, añadiendo, y señalando con el dedo el lugar mira, que linda es! Luego dezia: aunque me he bautizado, no creia bien lo que me dezian del Cielo. Ahora si lo creo. Ya no quiero vivir, ni volver a mi tierra, sino que quiero ir con Santa Maria, mi Madre al Cielo. Que habló entonces en su entero juizio, se pudo inferir de lo que habló despues toda la noche, y al dia siguiente con dos de su Nación, y con todos que le assistimos. IHS Anto Ma Bentz (rúbrica)

On the twenty-third of the said month (March of 1764), María Josepha, an Indian of the Yuma nation of the age of thirty years, more or less, arrived at the end of her pilgrimage and entered - that for which we all hope - the door of the celestial home. She had left her gentile land and on the fourth day of her sickness - which gave life to her soul - was baptized, the first of her nation. On the eighth day she received the holy oils, accepting the first heavenly position for which we all piously seek through Divine Goodness and have long awaited. Indeed, two nights before her death she called for her mother, whom she saw in the air, reaching for her with her hand. I asked her of what mother she spoke, if it was the one she had left in her land? She responded that she did not speak of her, but rather her mother, Holy Mary, gesturing and pointing with her finger to the place where she saw her and how beautiful she was! Then she said, "Although I have been baptized, I did not fully believe what you told me about Heaven. Now I believe. Now I do not want to live or return to my land, but I want to go with Holy Mary, my Mother in Heaven." She spoke with all of her faculties, that is to say that afterwards, she continued to converse all that night and the next day with two of her nation and others who were assisting us. IHS Antonio María Bentz (rubric)

Event Relationship [1 Records]

Event ID: 2532 Relationship: Deceased Event Date: 03/23/1764    
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