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Event ID: 2019 Book: Corodéguachi Page Number: 83v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 03/30/1732 Event Place: Corodéguachi
Notes: In the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and thirty-two, day thirty of March, I, Carlos Roxas of the Company of Jesus, missionary of this district of San Ignacio de Cuquiaratzi, with license from the honorable priest Don Pedro Verdugo del Castillo, in the new church of the Royal Presidio of Santa Rosa de Corodeguachi, solemnly baptized and anointed with holy oil, Josefa Gregoria Juachina, legitimate daughter of Señor Don Juan Bauptista de Ansa, Captain for life of the said Presidio, and his wife, the Señora Doña María Rosa Bezerra Nietto. Her godfather was Señor Don Agustín de Vildósola, Militia Captain for His Majesty in this Province of Sonora, for which truth I sign. = IHS Carlos de Roxas, Minister of Doctrine for His Majesty
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 1220 Given Name: Josefa Gregoria Joaquina de Surname: Ansa Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 1222 Given Name: María Rosa Surname: Bezerra Nieto Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 1229 Given Name: Juan Bautista de Surname: Anssa Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 3030 Given Name: Carlos Surname: Rojas Relationship: Oficiator
Personal ID: 5398 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Verdugo del Castillo Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 5405 Given Name: Agustín de Surname: Vildósola Relationship: Godfather
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