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Credit Archive Diocese of Tucson
Event ID: 211 Book: Guevavi Page Number: 24
Event: Marriage Event Date: 06/30/1748 Event Place: Guevavi
Notes: En 30 de junio [de 1748] se casaron en facie ecclesie Salvador Umtutocssan y Rosa Kucoosic. Fueron testigos Salvador, temastian, y Juanico, gobernador. = Ídem. Juan Antonio Yags y Lucía Aaojuss. Testigos los mismos. = Ídem. Ignacio Babuquiburi y Juana Ssusuossic. Testigos ídem. = Ídem. Augustín Uburituot y Juana Rosa Tutpamubi. Testigos ídem. = Ante mi, Joseph Garrucho

On June 30, 1748 Salvador Umtutocssan and Rosa Kucoosic were married in church ceremony. Witnesses were Salvador, the catechist, and Juanico, the governor. = Item. Juan Antonio Yags and Lucía Aaojus. Witnesses were the same. = Item. Ignacio Babuquiburi and Juana Ssusuossic. Witnesses were the same. = Ídem. Augustín Uburituot and Juana Rosa Tutpamubi. Witnesses were the same. = Before me, Joseph Garrucho
Event Relationship [5 Records]

Personal ID: 536 Given Name: Juanico Ciprian(o) Surname: Cavoxtutoc Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 542 Given Name: José Surname: Garrucho Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 719 Given Name: Juan Antonio Surname: Yags Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 720 Given Name: Lucía Surname: Aaojuss Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 919 Given Name: Salvador Surname: Satib (Saati, Saatibu) Relationship: Witness
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