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Credit Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA
Event ID: 3872 Book: Tubac-M Page Number: 13v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 11/17/1823 Event Place: Tubac
Notes: "In the year of the Lord, 1823, on the seventeenth of November, with the three banns and other prerequisets of the Holy Council of Trent having preceded, and having received their mutual consent first, I, Father Ramón Liberós, chaplain in charge of Tubac, solemnly joined in marriage Don Cirilo Sánchez Olachea, native of the the city of Tepic, legitimate son of Don Diego Martín Sánchez and Doña María Manuela Olachesa and María Nesta Grijalva, native of the presidio of Altar and resident of Tubac, ligitimate daughter of Don José María Grijalva and Doña María Ignacia López. Since Don Cirilo Olachea is a native of Tepic and has lived for a number of years in this provice with his main residence being the Capital of Arizpe, the banns were read there. No impediment was encountered and with license from the priest of that capital, which I have filed in my archive, I performed the above mentioned marriage. Well known and present witnesses were Don Tomás Ortiz and Don José Antonio Sotelo, and for this truth I sign as above. Fr. Ramón Liberós (rubric)"
Event Relationship [9 Records]

Personal ID: 2580 Given Name: Ramón Surname: Liberós Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 9978 Given Name: Cirilo Surname: Lopez Olachea Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 9979 Given Name: María Nesta Surname: Grijalva Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 9980 Given Name: Diego Martín Surname: Sanchez Relationship: Father of the Groom
Personal ID: 9981 Given Name: María Manuela Surname: Olachea Relationship: Mother of the Groom
Personal ID: 9982 Given Name: José María Surname: Grijalva Relationship: Father of the Bride
Personal ID: 9983 Given Name: María Ignacia Surname: Lopez Relationship: Mother of the Bride
Personal ID: 9984 Given Name: Tomás Surname: Ortiz Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 9985 Given Name: José Antonio Surname: Sotelo Relationship: Witness
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