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Event ID: 4356 Book: Pitiquito B2 Page Number: 48v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 01/01/1785 Event Place: Pitiquito
Manuel, párvulo de razón
El día primero de enero del año de mil setcientos ochenta y cinco en este Pueblo de San Diego del Pitiqui, bauticé in articulo mortis un párvulo que acababa de nacer, a quien puse por nombre Manuel, hijo de una esclava de Don Miguel Laso de la Vega llamada Agustina, y de padre no concido. Vivio como dos horas después que recibió el bautismo. Para que conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año ut supra.
Fraile Antonio Ramos (rúbrica)

Manuel, child of reason
On the 1st day of January of the year 1785 in this Village of San Diego del Pitiqui, I baptized on the verge of death a child who had just been born. I gave him the name Manuel. He was the son of a slave of Don Miguel Laso de la Vega called Agustina and an unknown father. He lived about two hours after receiving baptism. In certification of the same I signed on the said day, month, and year as above.
Friar Antonio Ramos (rubric) On the first day of January, 1785, in this village of San Diego del Pitiqui, I baptized "in articulo mortiz" an infant who had just been born, whom I gave the name Manuel. He was the son of a slave of Don Miguel Laso de la Vega called Agustina and an unknown father. He lived about two hours after he was baptized. Fr. Antonio Ramos
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 5845 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Ramos Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 11230 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 11231 Given Name: Agustina Surname: Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 24310 Given Name: Miguel Surname: Laso de la Vega Relationship: Dueño
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