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Event ID: 7117 Book: Bilbao-Begoña Page Number: 46
Event: Marriage Event Date: 08/31/1680 Event Place: Bilbao
Notes: En la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Begoña a treinta y uno de Agosto de mil seiscientos y ochenta años, habiendo precidido las tres proclamas que el Santo Concilio de Trento dispone, y no resultando impedimento canónico, el Licenciado Don Joseph de Ybarreta, Presbítero, asistió personalmente con mi licencia al matrimonio que por palabras de presente contrajeron Martín de Arriquibar, hijo legítimo de Francisco de Arriquibar y de María de Bertelanda, vecinos de la anteiglesia de Zeánuri; y Catalina de Terreros, hija legítima de Francisco Terreros y de María Ana de Ugarte, vecinos de esta villa de Bilbao, parroquianos mios, de lo cual fueron testigos Don Sebastián de Lotina, el Capitán Don Francisco de Castaños, Antonio de Basabilbaso, y otros. Y luego continuadamente les administró las bendiciones nupciales que Nuestra Santa Madre Iglesia dispone. Siendo padrinos Domingo de Arana y Doña María de Taborga Leguizamon de Begoña, Patrona de la dicha iglesia. En fé firmé de mi nombre. = Antonio de Recuerda (rúbrica)

In the church of Nuestra Señora de Begoña on August 31, 1680, the three proclamations mandated by the Holy Council of Trent having preceded with no canonical impediment having resulted, Licentiate Don Joseph Ybarreta, presbyter, with license from me, personally and according to present church policy performed the marriage contracted by Martín de Arriquibar, legitimate son of Francisco de Arriquibar and María Bertelanda, residents of the anteiglesia of Zeánuri; and Catalina de Terreros, legitimate daughter of Francisco Terreros and María Ana de Ugarte, residents of this town of Bilbao and my parishioners. Witnesses to the same were Don Sebastián de Lotina, Captain Don Francisco de Castaños, Antonio de Basabilbaso, and others. And then, in continuation, the nuptial blessings granted by Our Holy Mother Church were administered. Godparents were Domingo de Arana and Doña María de Taborga Leguizamon de Begoña, patroness of the said church. In certification I signed my name. = Antonio de Recuerda (rubric)
Event Relationship [13 Records]

Personal ID: 18874 Given Name: Martín de Surname: Arriquibar Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 18875 Given Name: Catalina de Surname: Terreros Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 18886 Given Name: Francisco de Surname: Arriquibar Relationship: Father of the groom
Personal ID: 18887 Given Name: María de Surname: Betelanda Relationship: Mother of the groom
Personal ID: 18888 Given Name: Francisco de Surname: Terreros Relationship: Father of the bride
Personal ID: 18889 Given Name: Mariana de Surname: Ugarte Relationship: Mother of the bride
Personal ID: 18891 Given Name: María Surname: Taborga Leguizamon Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 18898 Given Name: José de Surname: Ibarreta Relationship: Officiating Priest
Personal ID: 18899 Given Name: Antonio de Surname: Recuerda Relationship: Licensing Priest
Personal ID: 18900 Given Name: Sebastián de Surname: Lotina Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 18901 Given Name: Francisco de Surname: Castaños Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 18902 Given Name: Antonio de Surname: Basabilbaso Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 18903 Given Name: Domingo de Surname: Arana Relationship: Godfather
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