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Event ID: 7462 Book: Santa Fe Presidio Page Number: 93
Event: Burial Event Date: 04/12/1785 Event Place: Santa Fe
Don Bernardo de Miera, Retirado.
En doce de abril de mil setecientos y ochenta y cinco, yo, Fray Juan Bermejo, Capellan de este Real Presidio dí sepultura eclesiástica (en la capilla castrense) al cadaver del soldado retirado Don Bernardo de Miera y Pacheco. Murió el día anterior a las siete de la mañana, habiendo recivido todos los santos sacramentos de penetencia, viatico, y extrema unción, y hecho su disposición testamentaria, y para que conste lo firmé dicho día, mes, y año, ut supra = Fray Juan Bermejo (rúbrica)

Don Bernardo de Miera, Retired.
On the twelfth of April, 1785, I, Fray Juan Bermejo, chaplain of this Royal Presidio, gave church burial (in the military chapel) to the body of the retired soldier, Don Bernardo de Miera y Pacheco, who died the day before at seven o'clock in the morning, having received all the Holy Sacraments of penance, viaticum, and extreme unction, and he executed his last will and testament, for which truth I signed on the said day, month, and year as above = Fray Juan Bermejo (rubric)
Event Relationship [2 Records]

Personal ID: 5368 Given Name: Juan Surname: Bermejo Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 19624 Given Name: Bernardo de Surname: Miera y Pacheco Relationship: Deceased
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