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Credit Municipio de Janos, Chihuahua
Event ID: 7562 Book: Janos-M Page Number: 14v
Event: Notation Event Date: 08/15/1748 Event Place: Janos
Seis partidas de casamientos, que aqui seguían y debian asentar, echos desde el día 20 de marzo de 1746 hasta el día 27 de julio de 1747, se hallarán en el libro de los entierros, a fojas 18 vuelta y las dos siguientes. Y para que conste, lo firmé. = Fray Pedro Verdugo del Castillo (rúbrica)

Six marriage entries that follow in order hear and need to be recorded, written between March 20, 1746 and July 27, 1747, will be found in the book of burials on the reverse side of page 18 and the two following pages. And in certification of this, I signed. = Fray Pedro Verdugo del Castillo (rubric)
Event Relationship [1 Records]

Personal ID: 5398 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Verdugo del Castillo Relationship: Priest
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