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Event ID: 7690 Book: Oquitoa 2 Page Number: 40-41
Event: Baptism Event Date: 06/11/1798 Event Place: Oquitoa
Notes: Ramón Thomas, Nijora
En el año del Señor de mil setecientos noventa y ocho en el diá once de Junio, Yo, Fray Ramón Lopez, Predicador Apostolico y Ministro por Su Majestad en esta misión de San Antonio de Oquitoa bauticé solemnemente a un Indio Nijora como de nueve años de edad con bautismo de parbulos porque le jusgue por inocente traido de la gentilidad no hacia el tiempo de ocho meses, que compró y tiene in su casa Ramón Gil Ortega, vecino de razón de este pueblo, a quien puse por nombre Ramón Thomas. Fue su padrino el Gobernador Indio de este pueblo, Xavier Carrillo, a quien advertí el parentesco spiritual y demas obligaciones que contrajo. Y para que conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año.
Fray Ramón Lopez, rúbrica

Ramón Thomas, Nijora
In the year of the Lord 1798 on the 11th day of June, I, Friar Ramón Lopez, Apostolic Preacher and Minister for His Majesty in this mission of San Antonio de Oquitoa, solemnly baptized a Nijora Indian, who was about nine years of age, with a child’s baptism because he was judged to be innocent. He was brought here from the gentility before he reached the age of eight months, having been purchased by Ramón Gil Ortega, a person of reason and resident of this village, who has maintained the child in his house until today. I gave him the name Ramón Thomas. His godfather was the Indian governor of this village, Xavier Carrillo, whom I advised of the spiritual parentage and other obligations he had contracted, in certification of which I signed on the said day, month, and year.
Friar Ramón Lopez, rubric
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 5800 Given Name: Ramón Surname: Lopez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 20624 Given Name: Ramón Thomas Surname: Ortega Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 20625 Given Name: Ramón Gil Surname: Ortega Relationship: Poseedor
Personal ID: 20626 Given Name: Xavier Surname: Carrillo Relationship: Godfather
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