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Event ID: 7761 Book: SGU,7231,36 Page Number: 1-4v
Event: Marriage License Event Date: 10/28/1798 Event Place: Tucson
Notes: Archivo General de Simancas, SGU, 7231, 36

Con papel de 3 del corriente remitió de orden de Vuestra Merced Don Juan Manuel Alvarez al Consejo, para que consulte lo que se le ofreciere y pareciere, una carta del Comandante General de las Provincias Internas de Nueva España y los documentos que acompaña en que da cuenta de haber concedido a Don Josef de Zúñiga, Capitán del Presidio de San Agustín del Tupson, licencia para casarse con Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain, y solicita recaiga la aprobación de Vuestra Merced
El Fiscal Militar dice que los documentos están conforme á lo prevenido en el Reglamento del Monte, por lo que podrán aprobarse las citadas diligencias y licencia concedida.
El Consejo en vista de todo es de parecer se apruebe la licencia que concedió el Comandante General de las Provincias Internas de Nueva España al referido Don Joseph de Zúñiga para contraer matrimonio con Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain.
Vuestra Merced resolverá lo que sea mas de su Real agrado.
Madrid, 25 de octubre de 1798.

Consejo de Guerra y Gobierno a 25 de octubre de 1789
A Don Juan Ibañez de la Rentería
Es de parecer se apruebe la licencia que concedió el Comandante General de las Provincias Internas de Nueva España a Don Joseph de Zúñiga, Capitán del Presidio de San Agustín del Tupson, para contraer matrimonio con Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain
Don Francisco Gil y Lemos (rúbrica)
Don Melchor Torribio de Ugarte (rúbrica)
Don Manuel de las Cuentas (rúbrica)
Don Fernando Daoiz (rúbrica)
Don Estanislao de Velasco (rúbrica)
Don Diego de Quebedo (rúbrica)
Don Antonio Ximenez Nabarro (rúbrica)
Don Francisco de Horcasitas (rúbrica)
Don Joseph Antonio de Borja (rúbrica)
Don Alberto de Sesma(rúbrica)
Marques Van Manke

San Lorenzo, 28 de octubre de 1798
No. 479
Al Comandante General de las Provincias Internas
Aprovandole la licencia que concedió a Don Josef de Zúñiga, Capitán del Presidio de San Agustín del Tupson, para casarse con Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain.

With paper number 3 of the current month, by order of Your Honor, a letter from the Commandant General of the Internal Provinces of New Spain, and the accompanying documents in which an account was given of his having granted a license to Don José de Zúñiga, Captain of the Presidio of San Agustín of Tucson to marry Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain, has been remitted by Don Juan Manuel Alvarez to the Council to ask what their opinion was and what they might offer, and to request that it be returned to Your Honor for approval.
The military attorney says that the documents conform to the pension regulation and, therefore, they will be able to approve the aforementioned documents and the license as granted.
In light of everything, the Council is in favor of approving the license that the Commandant General of the Internal Provinces of New Spain granted to the said Don José de Zúñiga to contract matrimony with Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain.
Your Honor will determine what is most agreeable to the King.
Madrid, October 25, 1798

Council of War and Government on October 25, 1798
To Don Juan Ibañez de la Rentería
The Council is in favor of approving the license that was granted by the Commandant General of the Internal Provinces of New Spain to Don José de Zúñiga, Captain of the Presidio of San Agustín of Tucson, to contract matrimony with Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain.
Don Francisco Gil y Lemos (rubric)
Don Melchor Torribio de Ugarte (rubric)
Don Manuel de las Cuentas (rubric)
Don Fernando Daoiz (rubric)
Don Estanislao de Velasco (rubric)
Don Diego de Quebedo (rubric)
Don Antonio Ximenez Nabarro (rubric)
Don Francisco de Horcasitas (rubric)
Don Joseph Antonio de Borja (rubric)
Don Alberto de Sesma(rubric)
Marques Van Manke

San Lorenzo, October 28, 1798
No. 479
To the Commandant General of the Internal Provinces
Approving the license that was granted to Don José de Zúñiga, Captain of the Presidio of San Agustín of Tucson, to marry Doña María Guadalupe Belderrain.
Event Relationship [15 Records]

Personal ID: 5625 Given Name: María Josefa Guadalupe de Surname: Beldarrain Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 8522 Given Name: José Antonio de Surname: Zúñiga Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 20821 Given Name: Pedro de Surname: Nava Relationship: Commandant General
Personal ID: 20822 Given Name: Juan Surname: Ibañez de la Rentería Relationship: King's Counselor
Personal ID: 20823 Given Name: Francisco Surname: Gil y Lemos Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20824 Given Name: Melchor Torribio de Surname: Ugarte Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20825 Given Name: Manuel de las Surname: Cuentas Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20826 Given Name: Fernando Surname: Daioz Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20827 Given Name: Estanislao de Surname: Velasco Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20828 Given Name: Diego de Surname: Quebedo Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20829 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Jimenez Navarro Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20830 Given Name: Francisco de Surname: Horcasitas Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20831 Given Name: José Antonio de Surname: Borja Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20832 Given Name: Alberto de Surname: Sesma Relationship: Counselor
Personal ID: 20833 Given Name: Marques Surname: Van Manke Relationship: Counselor
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