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Event ID: 7805 Book: Santa Eulalia Page Number: 44-44v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 09/20/1759 Event Place: Hacienda de Bachimba
Notes: Don Manuel Calderon y Doña Juana Francisca Díaz del Carpio, españoles.
En veinte de Septiemsbre de mil setecientos y cincuenta y nueve como Cura Coadjutor casé en la casa de la Hacienda de Bachimba, y el día siguiente velé en la capilla de dicha Hacienda, a Don Manuel Calderon, español, natural del Valle de San Bartolomé, y vecino en el partido de San Francisco de Conchos, con Doña Juana Francisca Díaz del Carpio, española, natural del Presidio de Janos y vecina en esta jurisdicción. Haviendo precedido por parte de [e las dililgencias y amonestaciones, y examinadose en la doctrina Cristiana por su proprio parroco, como consta por su licencia; y haviendose hecho por parte de ella en esta jurisdicción, las informaciones necessaries, y omitidas por justas causas las amonestaciones en esta parroquia; ambos confesaron y comulgaron antes de casarse. Fueron Padrinos Don Domingo Yrigoyen y Doña María Rosa Díaz del Carpio, y testigos Juan de Dios Calderon y Dionisio Montes, y para que conste lo firmé.
Bachiller Pablo Francisco de Pozo (rúbrica)

Don Manuel Calderon and Doña Juana Francisca Díaz del Carpio, Spaniards.
On September 20, 1759, as assistant priest, I married in the house of the Hacienda of Bachimba, and veiled in the chapel of the said Hacienda on the following day, Don Manuel Calderon, Spaniard, native of the San Bartolomé Valley, and resident of the San Francisco de Conchos District, and Doña Juana Francisca Díaz del Carpio, Spaniard, native of the Presidio of Janos and resident of this jurrisdiction. The requirements and banns having proceeded, he was examined in Christian doctrine in his own parish, as certified by his licence; and having obtained the same necessary information from her in this jurrisdiction, the banns were omitted for just causes in this parish. Both confessed and received Holy Comunion before they were married. Godparents were Don Domingo Yrigoyen and Doña María Rosa Díaz del Carpio, and witnesses were Juan de Dios Calderon and Dionisio Montes, in certification of which I signed.
Bachiller Pablo Francisco de Pozo (rubric)
Event Relationship [7 Records]

Personal ID: 5381 Given Name: María Rosa Surname: Diaz del Carpio Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 5385 Given Name: Juana Francisca Surname: Diaz del Carpio Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 20998 Given Name: Pablo Francisco del Surname: Pozo Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 20999 Given Name: Domingo de Surname: Irigoyen Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 21003 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Calderón Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 21004 Given Name: Juan de Dios Surname: Calderón Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 21005 Given Name: Dionisio Surname: Montes Relationship: Witness
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