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Event ID: 7834 Book: Tubutama Page Number: 3
Event: Baptism Event Date: 10/17/1769 Event Place: Tubutama
Notes: Cecilia, parvula
En diez y siete días del mes de octubre de mil setecientos sesenta y nueve, Yo, Fray Esteban de Salazar, Ministro por Su Majestad de esta Misión de San Pedro y San Pablo de Tubutama, bautizé solemnemente a una muchacha de cuatro a cinco años, Nijora, nacida en el monte de padres gentiles, que compró a los Papagos Miguel, Caporal, hijo del pueblo de Santa Teresa, a quien puse por nombre Cecilia. Fue su Madrina María Ana, mujer legítima del sobredicho Miguel, Caporal, a quien advertí el parentesco, e instruí por intérprete en las demas obligaciones, especialmente en la de enseñarla doctrina cristiana a su ahijada, y para que conste lo firmé ut supra.
Fray Esteban de Salazar (rúbrica)
Ministro por Su Majestad

Cecilia, child
On the 17th day of the month of October of 1769, I, Fray Esteban de Salazar, Minister for His Majesty of this Mission of San Pedro y San Pablo of Tubutama, solemnly baptized a girl of four to five years, a Nijora, born in the mountains to gentile parents. She was purchased from the Papagos by Miguel, Caporal, child of the village of Santa Teresa. I gave her the name Cecilia. Her godmother was María Ana, the legitimate wife of the above mentioned Miguel, Caporal, whom I advised of the parentage and instructed, through an interpreter, in the other obligations, especially the teaching of Christian doctrine to her goddaughter. In witness whereof I signed as above.
Fray Esteban de Salazar (rubric)
Minister for His Majesty
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 21037 Given Name: Esteban de Surname: Salazar Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 21058 Given Name: Cecilia Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 21059 Given Name: María Ana Surname: Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 21060 Given Name: Miguel Surname: Relationship: Purchaser
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