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Event ID: 7968 Book: Ures B14 Page Number: 131
Event: Baptism Event Date: 06/18/1873 Event Place: Ures
849 - José Juan
En la paroquia de Ures, a diez y ocho de junio de mil ochocientos setenta y tres, Yo, el Teniente y Bachiller Don José Juan Pérez Serrano bautizé solemnemente a un niño nacido el día diez y seis del mismo mes y año, a quien nombré José Juan Villa; hijo legítimo de Albino Villa y de Petra Grijalva. Fueron padrinos Jesús Garcia y María Jesús Muños, a quienes advertí su parentesco espiritual y obligaciones. Más para constancia lo firmé.
J. Juan P. Serrano (rúbrica)

849 - José Juan
In the Parish of Ures on June 18, 1873, I, the deputy and bachiller Don José Juan Pérez Serrano solemnly baptized a male chid born on the sixteenth day of the same month and year, whom I named José Juan Villa, the legitimate son of Albino Villa and Petra Grijalva. His godparents were Jesús Garcia and María Jesús Muños, whom I advised of their spiritual relationship and obligations. I furthermore signed in certification.
J. Juan P. Serrano (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 21870 Given Name: José Juan Surname: Pérez Serrano Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 21879 Given Name: Albino Surname: Villa Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 21880 Given Name: Petra Surname: Grijalva Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 21884 Given Name: José Juan Surname: Villa Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 21885 Given Name: Jesús Surname: Garcia Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 21886 Given Name: María Jesús Surname: Muñoz Relationship: Godmother
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