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Event ID: 8113 Book: Ures B5 Page Number: 51
Event: Baptism Event Date: 04/25/1852 Event Place: Ures
En la paroquia de San Miguel de Ures a veinte y cinco de abril de mil ochocientos cinquenta y dos el padre Don J. Ricardo Lavorin bautizó solemnemente a María Refugio de siete años hija de la Nación Apache. Padrinos Don Jesús Gandara y Doña Dolores Parra a quienes advertió el parentezco y obligaciones y para constancia lo firmé.
Don J. Ricardo Lavorin

In the parish church of San Miguel of Ures on April 25, 1852, Father Don J. Ricardo Lavorin solemnly baptized María Refugio, a seven-year-old female child of the Apache Nation. Her godparents were Don Jesús Gandara and Doña Dolores Parra, who I advised of their relationship and obligations, and in certification of which I signed.
Don J. Ricardo Lavorin
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 22310 Given Name: Jesús Surname: Gandara Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 22369 Given Name: Dolores Surname: Parra Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 22426 Given Name: J. Ricardo Surname: Lavorín Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 22427 Given Name: María Refugio Surname: Relationship: Baptized
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