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Event ID: 8220 Book: Ures B1 Page Number: 442
Event: Baptism Event Date: 07/16/1811 Event Place: Ures
Francisco Salvador Josef María
En diez y seis de julio de ochocientos y once bautizé solemnemente a un niño que nació el doce de dicho mes a quien puse por nombre Francisco Salvador Josef María, hijo legítimo de Don Juan de Gandara y de Doña María Antonia Gortari. Fueron padrinos Don Francisco Tubera y Doña Hilaria Morales, a quienes advirtí el parentezco espiritual y demás obligaciones. Y para que conste lo firmé.
Fray Martín Perez (rúbrica)

Francisco Salvador Josef María
On July 16, 1811 I solemnly baptized a baby boy who was born on the 12th of the said month whom I gave the name Francisco Salvador Josef María. He is the legitimate son of Don Juan de Gandara and Doña María Antonia Gortari. His godparents were Don Francisco Tubera and Doña Hilaria Morales, whom I advised of their spiritual relationship and other obligations, and which I certified by signing.
Friar Martín Perez (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 22319 Given Name: Francisco Salvador José María Surname: Gandara Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 22406 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Gortari Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 22482 Given Name: Juan de Surname: Gandara Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 22723 Given Name: Martín Surname: Perez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 22724 Given Name: Francisco Surname: Tubera Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 22725 Given Name: Hilaria Surname: Morales Relationship: Godmother
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