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Event ID: 8236 Book: Ures B1 Page Number: 534
Event: Baptism Event Date: 09/17/1813 Event Place: Ures
María Antonia Teresa Ylaria Mariana
En diez y siete de septiembre de mil ochocientos trece, bautizé solemnemente a una niña que nacio el día carorce del corriente, a quien puse por nombre María Teresa Antonia Ylaria Mariana, hija legítima de Don Juan de Gandara y de Doña María Antonia Gortari. Fue Madrina Doña Ylaria Morales, a quien advertí el parentezco espiritual y demás obligaciones. Y para que conste lo firmé.
Fray Martín Perez

María Antonia Teresa Ylaria Mariana
On September 17, 1813 I solemny baptized a baby girl born on the 14th of the present month, whom I gave the name María Teresa Antonia Ylaria Mariana. She is the legitimate daughter of Don Juan de Gandara and Doña María Antonia Gortari. Her godmother was Madrina Doña Ylaria Morales, whom I advised of her spiritual relationship and other obligations. And I so certified by signing.
Fray Martín Perez
Event Relationship [5 Records]

Personal ID: 22322 Given Name: María Antonia Teresa Hilaria Maríana Surname: Gandara Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 22406 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Gortari Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 22482 Given Name: Juan de Surname: Gandara Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 22723 Given Name: Martín Surname: Perez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 22725 Given Name: Hilaria Surname: Morales Relationship: Godmother
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