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Event ID: 8292 Book: Altar M1 Page Number: 234
Event: Marriage Event Date: 11/26/1866 Event Place: Altar
Frederico Ronstadt con Margarita Redondo, Altar
En villa del Altar a los veinte y seis días del mes de noviembre de mil ochocientos sesenta y seis, Yo, el cura de esta villa, Presbítero Bartolomé Suastegui, previa la información juridica después de corridas las tres moniciones prescritas por el Santo Concilio de Trento, y practicadas las demás diligencias de derecho y no habiendo resaltado ningun pedimento, casé in facie ecclesiae y no velé a Don Federico Ronstadt, natural de Emden (Alemania) y vecino de esta parroquia, y ya viudo, con Doña Margarita Redondo, soltera, natural y vecina de esta villa. Fueron padrinos Don Antonio Urrea y Doña Concepción Redondo, y testigos Don José Estrada, Don Pedro Zepeda y Don Manuel Rodriguez y para que conste to firmé.
Bartolomé Suastegui (rúbrica)

Frederico Ronstadt and Margarita Redondo, Altar
In the town of Altar on the twenty-sixth day of the month of November, 1866, the three banns prescribed by the Holy Council of Trent and other duties prescribed by law having been lawfully completed with no impediment resulting, I, the priest of this town, Father Bartolomé Suastegui, married in church ceremony but did not veil Don Federico Ronstadt, a native of Emden (Germany) and resident of this parish, already a widower, and Doña Margarita Redondo, a single lady, native and resident of this town. Godparents were Don Antonio Urrea and Doña Concepción Redondo, and witnesses were Don José Estrada, Don Pedro Zepeda, and Don Manuel Rodriguez, in certification of which I signed.
Bartolomé Suastegui (rubric)
Event Relationship [8 Records]

Personal ID: 22420 Given Name: Friderich Agustus Surname: Ronstadt Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 22500 Given Name: Margarita Surname: Redondo Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 22966 Given Name: Bartolomé Surname: Suastegui Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 22967 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Urrea Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 22968 Given Name: Concepción Surname: Redondo Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 22969 Given Name: José Surname: Estrada Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 22970 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Zepeda Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 22971 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Rodriguez Relationship: Witness
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