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Event ID: 8307 Book: Altar B3 Page Number: 11v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 02/24/1852 Event Place: Tubutama
José Manuel Santiago
En el Pueblo de Tubutama a veinte y uno de febrero de mil ochocientos cincuenta y dos, Yo, el cura, bautizé solemnemente a un niño de dos meses de nacido, a quien puse por nombre José Manuel Santiago, hijo legítimo de Santiago Gastelu y de María de la Luz Armenta. Padrinos Juan María Gastelu y María de la Luz Gastelum, a quienes advertí el parentezco espiritual y demás obligaciones. Y para constancia lo firmé.
Bachiller Lorenzo Vasquez (rúbrica)

José Manuel Santiago
In the Village of Tubutama on Februrary 24, 1852, I, the priest, solemnly baptized a male child born two months previously, whom I gave the name José Manuel Santiago. He is the legitimate son of Santiago Gastelu and María de la Luz Armenta. Godparents were Juan María Gastelu and María de la Luz Gastelum, whom I advised of their spiritual relationship and other obligations. In certification of the same, I signed.
Bachiller Lorenzo Vasquez (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 23005 Given Name: José Manuel Santiago Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 23006 Given Name: José Santiago Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 23007 Given Name: María de la Luz Surname: Armenta Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 23018 Given Name: Lorenzo Surname: Vasquez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23019 Given Name: Juan María Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Godfather and Grandfather
Personal ID: 23020 Given Name: María de la Luz Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Godmother
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