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Event ID: 8309 Book: Altar M3 Page Number: 132
Event: Marriage Event Date: 07/03/1875 Event Place: Tubutama
313, Tubutama
Manuel Gastelum con Gregoria Ochoa
En la Iglesia de Tubutama a las tres días del mes de julio de mil ochocientos, setenta y cinco, Yo, el presbítero, Bartolomé Suastegui, cura del Altar, previa la información juridica corridas las tres moniciones que previene el Santo Concilio de Trento practicadas las de mas diligenias de derecho y no habiendo resultado impedimento que un parentezco de consaguinidad en el tercer grado de la L.T.; igual le fue dispensado por el Ilustrísimo Señor Obispo, casé y velé segun el rito de Nuestra Señora Madre Iglesia a Manuel Gastelum, soltero, natural y vecino de Tubutama, hijo natural de Luz Armenta, con Gregoria Ochoa, soltera, natural y vecina de Tubutama, hija natural de Librada Morales. Fueron Testigos Leonardo Manzanda y Filomeno Diaz. Y para que conste lo firmé
Bartolomé Suastegui (rúbrica)

313, Tubutama
Manuel Gastelum and Gregoria Ochoa
In the Church of Tubutama on the 3rd day of the month of July, 1875 I, the priest, Bartolomé Suastegui, minister of Altar, the required information of the three Banns mandated by the Holy Council of Trent having been published with the other decrees required by law, and no impediment having resulted, except a relationship of consanguinity in the third degree of kinship which was dispensed by the Most Illustrious Lord Bishop, I married and veiled according to the rite of Our Lady Mother Church, Manuel Gastelum, a single man, native and resident of Tubutama and a natural son of Luz Armenta, and Gregoria Ochoa, a single lady, native and resident of Tubutama and a natural daughter of Librada Morales. Witnesses were Leonardo Manzanda and Filomeno Diaz. In certification of the same, I signed
Bartolomé Suastegui
Event Relationship [7 Records]

Personal ID: 22966 Given Name: Bartolomé Surname: Suastegui Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23005 Given Name: José Manuel Santiago Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 23007 Given Name: María de la Luz Surname: Armenta Relationship: Mother of the groom
Personal ID: 23028 Given Name: Filomeno Surname: Diaz Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 23029 Given Name: Gregoria Surname: Ochoa Morales Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 23030 Given Name: Librada Surname: Morales Relationship: Mother of the bride
Personal ID: 23031 Given Name: Leonardo Surname: Manzanda Relationship: Witness
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