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Event ID: 8311 Book: Altar B10 Page Number: 257
Event: Baptism Event Date: 06/29/1885 Event Place: Tubutama
Tubutama, Manuel Gastelum
En la Iglesia de Tubutama a los viente y nueve dias de junio de mil ochocientos ochenta y cinco, Yo, el presbítero, Luis Bourdier, con licencia del señor cura de esta jurisdicción del Altar bautizé solemnemente y puse los santos oleos y crisma a Manuel de tres meses y seis días de nacido, hijo legítimo de Manuel Gastelum y de Gregoria Ochoa, habiendo sido padrinos Vicente Feliz y Margarita Feliz, a quienes les advertí sus obilgaciones y parentezco espiritual de que doy fe.
Luis Bourdier (rúbrica)

Tubutama, Manuel Gastelum
In the church of Tubutama on the 29th day of June, 1885 ,I, the presbyter, Luis Bourdier, with license from the honorable priest of this jurisdiction of Altar solemnly baptized and anointed with holy oil and chrism, Manuel, born three months and six days previously. He is the legitimate son of Manuel Gastelum and Gregoria Ochoa, the godparents having been Vicente Feliz and Margarita Feliz, whom I advised of their obligations and spiritual relationship, which I certify.
Luis Bourdier (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 23005 Given Name: José Manuel Santiago Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 23029 Given Name: Gregoria Surname: Ochoa Morales Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 23032 Given Name: Luis Surname: Bourdier Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23033 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 23034 Given Name: Vicente Surname: Feliz Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 23035 Given Name: Margarita Surname: Feliz Relationship: Godmother
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