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Event ID: 8313 Book: Altar B9 Page Number: 110
Event: Baptism Event Date: 04/22/1881 Event Place: Tubutama
Tubutama, María Ana Joaquina
En la Iglesia de Tubutama a los viente y dos días del mes de abril de mil ochocientos ochenta y uno, Yo, el cura presbítero, Bartolomé Suastegui, bautizé solemnemente y puse los santos oleos y crisma a María Ana Joaquina que nació el día diez y ocho de febrero del corriente año, hija legítima de Manuel Gastelum y de Gregoria Ochoa, habiendo sido padrinos Pedro Montaño y Carmen Gastelum, a quienes advertí sus obilgaciones y parentezco espiritual, y para que conste lo firmé.
Bartolomé Suastegui (rúbrica)

Tubutama, María Ana Joaquina
In the church of Tubutama on the 22nd day of the month of April, 1881, I, the priest presbyter, Bartolomé Suastegui, solemnly baptized and anointed with holy oil and chrism, María Ana Joaquina, who was born on the eighteenth day of February of this same year. She is the legitimate daughter of Manuel Gastelum and Gregoria Ochoa, the godparents having been Pedro Montaño and Carmen Gastelum, whom I advised of their obligations and spiritual relationship, and in certification of which I signed.
Bartolomé Suastegui (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 22966 Given Name: Bartolomé Surname: Suastegui Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23005 Given Name: José Manuel Santiago Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 23029 Given Name: Gregoria Surname: Ochoa Morales Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 23038 Given Name: María Ana Joaquina Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 23039 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Montaño Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 23040 Given Name: Carmen Surname: Gastelum Relationship: Godmother
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