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Event ID: 8361 Book: Tubutama Page Number: 7
Event: Baptism Event Date: 03/03/1772 Event Place: Tubutama
En tres días del mes de marzo de mil setecientos setenta y dos, Yo, Fray Esteban Salazar, Ministro por Su Magestad de esta misión de Tubutama, bauticé solemnemente a un niño como de cuatro a cinco años, de nación Apache, que compró Vicente Coxo, Indio de esta misión a los Papagos, y le puse por nombre Celedonio. Fue su Padrino el referido Vicente, a quien advertí su obligacion y para que conste lo firmé.
Fray Esteban de Salazar, Ministro por Su Magestad

On the 3rd day of the month of March of 1772, I, Friar Esteban Salazar, Minister for His Majesty in this Mission of Tubutama, solemnly baptized a male child of some four to five years of age, of the Apache nation, whom Vicente Coxo, an Indian of this mission purchased from the Papagos, and I gave him the name Celedonio. His godfather was the aforementioned Vicente, whom I advised of his obligation, in certification of which I signed
Friar Esteban Salazar, Minister for His Majesty
Event Relationship [3 Records]

Personal ID: 21037 Given Name: Esteban de Surname: Salazar Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23189 Given Name: Vicente Surname: Cojo Relationship: Purchaser/ Godfather
Personal ID: 23190 Given Name: Celedonio Surname: Relationship: Baptized
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