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Event ID: 8521 Book: Caborca 2 Page Number: 413
Event: Baptism Event Date: 11/16/1788 Event Place: Caborca
Notes: 515 - Francisca Xaviera, párvula, Nijora
En diez y seis días del mes de noviembre del año mil setecientos ochenta y ocho en este pueblo de la Purísima Concepción de Caborca bautizé solemnemente a una párvula de tres días nacida, a quien puse por nombre Francisca Xaviera, hija legítima de Miguel Mendoza, Nijora, y de Rosa, también Nijora. Fueron padrinos Ciprian Cornejo y Micaela Cartagena, Indios de dicho pueblo, a quienes advertí el parentezco espritual y demás obligaciones, para que conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año ut supra.
Fraile Antonio Ramos (rúbrica)

515 - Francisca Xaviera, child, Nijora
On the 16th day of the month of November of the year 1788 in this village of La Purísima Concepción of Caborca, I solemnly baptized a little girl born three days previously, whom I gave the name Francisca Xaviera. She is the legitimate daughter of Miguel Mendoza, a Nijora, and Rosa, also a Nijora. Her godparents were Ciprian Cornejo and Micaela Cartagena, Indians of the said village, whom I advised of the spiritual relationship and other obligations, which I certified by signing on the said day month and year as above.
Friar Antonio Ramos (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 5845 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Ramos Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23743 Given Name: Miguel Surname: Mendoza Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 23744 Given Name: Rosa Surname: Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 23745 Given Name: Ciprian Surname: Cornejo Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 23748 Given Name: Francisca Xaviera Surname: Mendoza Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 23749 Given Name: Micaela Surname: Cartagena Relationship: Godmother
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