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Event ID: 8523 Book: Caborca 2 Page Number: 192
Event: Burial Event Date: 04/19/1787 Event Place: Caborca
Notes: 560 - Juan, adulto, Nijora
En veinte y dos días del mes de julio de mil setecientos ochenta y siete en este pueblo de la Purísima Concepción de Caborca se le dió sepultura eclesiastica a un muchacho llamado Juan de unos diez o once años, Nijorita que estaba en casa del Indio Lorenzo el cojo. No recibió sacramento alguno porque no avisarón; y reconvenidos, dijarón, se habia muerto de repente y para que conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año ut supra.
Fraile Antonio Ramos (rúbrica)

560 - Juan, adult, Nijora
On the 22nd day of the month of July of 1787 in this village of La Purísima Concepción of Caborca a church burial was given a boy called Juan of some ten or eleven years of age, a little Nijora who was at the home of the Indian Lorenzo the cripple. He did not receive any sacrament because I was not advised; and when they were accused they said that he had died suddenly, for which I certified by signing on the said day, month, and year as above.
Friar Antonio Ramos (rubric)
Event Relationship [3 Records]

Personal ID: 5845 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Ramos Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23751 Given Name: Juan Surname: Relationship: Deceased
Personal ID: 23752 Given Name: Lorenzo Surname: Parada Relationship: Foster Father of the Deceased
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