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Credit Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA
Event ID: 8538 Book: Pitiquito D4 Page Number: 121v
Event: Burial Event Date: 04/28/1793 Event Place: Caborca
Gaspar, Párvulo Yuma
El día veinte y siete de abril del año de mil setecientos noventa y tres en este Pueblo de la Purísima Concepción de Caborca se murió Gaspar Quintero, párvulo, hijo legítimo de Juan Manuel Quintero y María Antonia Colorado, Yumas, al que se le dió sepultura eclesiastica el día siguiente, y para que conste lo firmé.
Fraile Ángel Collazo (rúbrica)

Gaspar, Yuma child
On the 27th day of April of the year 1793 in this Village of La Purísima Concepción of Caborca, Gaspar Quintero died. He was a child, the legitimate son of Juan Manuel Quintero and María Antonia Colorado, Yumas, who was given a church burial on the following day, in certification of which I signed.
Friar Ángel Collazo (rubric)

This entry was scratched out for some unknown reason, presumably because the inforomation was recorded in the Caborca book of deaths.
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 23761 Given Name: Ángel Surname: Collazo Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23804 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Colorado Relationship: Mother of the deceased
Personal ID: 23805 Given Name: Juan Manuel Surname: Quintero Relationship: Father of the deceased
Personal ID: 23806 Given Name: Gaspar Surname: Quintero Relationship: Deceased
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