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Event ID: 8632 Book: Caborca 2 Page Number: 301
Event: Marriage Event Date: 04/16/1814 Event Place: Caborca
Juan Serrano, viudo, con María Candelaria, viuda, los dos Indios
En diez y seis de abril de mil ochocientos y catorce, Yo, Fray Faustino Gonzalez, Ministro de este Pueblo de Caborca, habiendo hecho los tres amonestaciones y demás diligencias que el Santo Concilio y nuestro superiores disponen, y no resultando impedimento alguno, casé infacie ecclesiae a Juan Serrano (viudo de Petra Sanchez, India enterrado en la iglesia vieja de este pueblo) con María Candelaria Oliva, India, viuda de Sebastian Carrera, que murió y esta enterrado en el Real de Cieneguilla, como consta de aquel Señor Cura. Dicho Juan es Indio hijo de padres gentiles de la nación Yuma, que crió y bautizó Antonio, el Capitán. Fueron testigos de este casamiento Benito Cornejo y Eusebio Serrano con Carlos Cordero y casi los demás Indios del pueblo, por ser al tiempo de la misa, y para que conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año.
Fray Faustino Gonzalez (rúbrica)

Juan Serrano, widower, and María Candelaria, widow, both Indians
On the 16th of April 1814, I, Friar Faustino Gonzalez, Minister of this Village of Caborca, having completed the three banns and other business that the Holy Council and our superiors have ordered, with no impediment resulting, I married in church ceremony Juan Serrano (widow of Petra Sanchez, an Indian buried in the old church of this village) and María Candelaria Oliva, and Indian, widow of Sebastian Carrera, who died and is buried at the Royal Mining Camp of Cieneguilla according to the certification of that priest. The said Juan is an Indian, son of gentile parents of the Yuma nacion, who was raised and baptized by Antonio, the Captain. Witnesses of this marriage were Benito Cornejo and Eusebio Serrano, along with Carlos Cordero and nearly all the rest of the Indians of the village, because it was done during the time of the Mass, in certification of which I signed on the said day, month, and year.
Friar Faustino Gonzalez
Event Relationship [9 Records]

Personal ID: 23855 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Serrano Relationship: Foster father of the groom
Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24017 Given Name: Juan Surname: Serrano Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 24018 Given Name: María Candelaria Surname: Molina (Oliva) Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 24019 Given Name: Sebastian Surname: Carrera Relationship: Former husband of the bride
Personal ID: 24020 Given Name: Petra Surname: Sanchez Relationship: Former wife of the groom
Personal ID: 24021 Given Name: Benito Surname: Cornejo Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24022 Given Name: Edwardo Surname: Serrano Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24023 Given Name: Carlos Surname: Cordero Relationship: Witness
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