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Event ID: 8684 Book: Caborca 3 Page Number: 13
Event: Baptism Event Date: 03/04/1799 Event Place: Caborca
Casimiro, párvulo Yuma
En el año del Señor de mil setecientos y noventa y nueve día cuatro de marzo, Yo, Fray Andres Sanchez, Misionero Apostólico de esta Misión de Caborca bautizé solemnemente a un pávulo hijo de Andres Mendoza y de Josefa Salinas, conjugues, hijos de esta misión. Se puse por nombre Casimiro. Fueron padrinos Benito Cornejo (el que dió sus veces para el efecto de sacarlo de pila a su hijo, Francisco, soltero), y Dolores Sevilla, su mujer. Quedaron advertidos del parentesco espiritual y demas obligaciones. Para que conste lo firmo en dicho misión ut supra.
Friar Andres Sancheza (rúbrica)

Casimiro, Yuma child
In the year of the Lord 1799 on the fourth day of March, I, Friar Andres Sanchez, Apostolic Missionary of this Mission of Caborca, solemnly baptized a male child, son of Andres Mendoza and Josefa Salinas, husband and wife, children of this mission. I gave him the name Casimiro. Godparents were Benito Cornejo (who gave of his time to stand in at the baptismal font for his son, Francisco, a single man), and Dolores Sevilla, his wife. They were advised of the spiritual relationship and other obligations. In certification of the same I sign at the said mission as stated above.
Friar Andres Sancheza (rubric)
Event Relationship [7 Records]

Personal ID: 17233 Given Name: Andrés Surname: Mendoza Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 18027 Given Name: Josefa Surname: Sonoytac (Salinas) Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 24021 Given Name: Benito Surname: Cornejo Relationship: Proxy godfather
Personal ID: 24030 Given Name: Andrés Surname: Sanchez Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24057 Given Name: María Dolores Surname: Sevilla Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 24154 Given Name: Casimiro Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24155 Given Name: Francisco Surname: Cornejo Relationship: Godfather
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