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Event ID: 8691 Book: Caborca 4 Page Number: 80
Event: Baptism Event Date: 02/15/1820 Event Place: Caborca
Juana Faustina, hija de padres gentiles, Yuma
En el dicho día quince de febrero de este año de mil ochocientos y veinte, Yo, el referido Fray Faustino Gonzalez, bautizé solemnemente a una niña que manifestaba tener de seis a siete años, hija de padres gentiles, a quien puse por nombre Juana Faustina, y fue su padrino Marcos Mendoza, Indio soltero, sacristan y maestro de escuela de este Pueblo de Caborca. Para que conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año.
Fray Faustino Gonzalez (rúbrica)

Juana Faustina, daughter of gentile parents, Yuma
On the said fifteenth day of February of 1820, I the said Friar Faustino Gonzalez, solemnly baptized a female child who appeared to be six to seven years old, the daughter of gentile parents, whom I gave the name Juana Faustina, and her godfather was Marcos Mendoza, a single India, sacristan and school teacher of this Village of Caborca. In certification of which I signed on the said day, month, and year.
Friar Faustino Gonzalez (rubric)
Event Relationship [2 Records]

Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24175 Given Name: Juana Faustina Surname: Relationship: Baptized
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