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Event ID: 8697 Book: Caborca 3 Page Number: 52
Event: Baptism Event Date: 02/01/1811 Event Place: Caborca
Gabriel Jesús Salas, Yuma de 14 años
En el año del Señor de mil ochocientos y once día primero de febrero, Yo, Fray Faustino Gonzalez, Ministro de este Pueblo de Caborca, bautizé solemnemente según dispone el ritual Romano a un Indio de nación Yuma que era Nifora de un Inido de este pueblo quien le mantenía gentil hasta que llevado de mi obligación, tome la providencia de traerla a la misión y de instruirle en la doctrina cristiana y considerandole ya le bien instruido le bautizé en este día, y señalé por padrinos a Mariano Salas y a su mujer, Magdalena Nieblina quienes, como si fueron padres, se hicieron cargo de él, pues ya se murió el Indio que le compró. Tendría como de catorce años y le puse por nombre Gabriel Jesús, y para que conste lo firmé en este día.
Fray Faustino Gonzalez (rúbrica)

Gabriel Jesús Salas, Yuma of 14 years of age
In the year of the Lord 1811 on the 1st day of February, I, Friar Faustino Gonzalez, Minister of this Village of Caborca, solemnly baptized according to the direction of the Roman ritual an Indian of the Yuma nation who was a Nifora associated with an Indian of this village. The boy had been maintained as a gentile until he became my obligation. I obtained the providence of bringing him to the mission and instructing him in the Christian doctrine and, considering him well enough instructed I baptized him on this day. Standing as godparents were Mariano Salas and his wife, Magdalena Nieblina whom, acting as his parents, took charge of him. Indeed the Indian who bought him had already died. He would be about fourteen years old and I gave him the name Gabriel Jesús, in certification of which I signed on this day.
Friar Faustino Gonzalez (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24045 Given Name: Mariano Surname: Salas Relationship: Godfather and Foster Father
Personal ID: 24127 Given Name: María Magdalena Surname: Nieblina Relationship: Godmother and Foster Mother
Personal ID: 24188 Given Name: Gabriel Jesús Surname: Salas Relationship: Baptized
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