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Event ID: 8724 Book: Caborca 3 Page Number: 55
Event: Baptism Event Date: 02/15/1811 Event Place: Caborca
Faustina Encarnación, adulta de padres gentiles nación Yuma
En el año de mil ochocientos y doce día quince de febrero, Yo, Fray Faustino Gonzalez, Ministro de este Pueblo de Caborca, bautizé solemnemente a una muchacha, India de padres gentiles de la nación Yuma que podra tener doce años, y hace un año que un Indio gentil de Sonoita me la trajó, y se ha criado y educado en la ley de Dios en esta misión al cuidado de Magdalena Nieblina, India viuda de este pueblo y cocinera de los Padres. Fue madrina dicho India Magdalena a quien advertí sus obligaciones y cuidado de ella teniendola como a hija ahora, y siempre que salga del servicio de los Padres, pues la podra llevar y tener consigo por cuanto ya se la tiene el Padre entregada por suya, y para que todo conste lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año.
Fray Faustino Gonzalez (rúbrica)

Faustina Encarnación, an adult of gentile parents of the Yuma nation
In the year of 1812 on the 15th day of February, I, Friar Faustino Gonzalez, Ministro de este Pueblo de Caborca, solemnly baptized an Indian girl of gentile parents of the Yuma nation, who was probably twelve years of age and, now, after a year from when a gentile Indian of Sonoita brought her to me, she has been raised and educated in the law of God in this mission under the care of Magdalena Nieblina, an Indian widow of this village and cook for the Fathers. Her godmother was the said Indian, Magdalena, whom I advised of her obligations and the care that that she now and always must have for the child as her daughter, until she leaves the service of the Fathers. Indeed, she will be able to take and keep the child with her, because the Father has already given the child to her as her own, and in certification of all of this I signed on the said day, month, and year.
Friar Faustino Gonzalez (rubric)
Event Relationship [3 Records]

Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24127 Given Name: María Magdalena Surname: Nieblina Relationship: Godmother and foster mother
Personal ID: 24241 Given Name: Faustina Encarnación Surname: Relationship: Baptized
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