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Event ID: 8727 Book: Caborca 3 Page Number: 60
Event: Baptism Event Date: 06/29/1814 Event Place: Caborca
María Carmen Peña Paula, hija de padres gentiles de nación Yuma
En el año del Señor de mil ochocientos y catorce día veinte y nueve de junio, Yo, Fray Faustino Gonzalez, Ministro de este Pueblo de Caborca, bautizé a una niña que manifestaba tener sies años, hija de padres gentiles de la nación Yuma, la que compró Josefa Milana, vecina de este dicho pueblo, y fueron padrinos Joseh Canastillo, soltero, y su madre la dicha Josefa Milana. Se le puso por nombre María Carmen Peña Paula , y a los padrinos encargue y advertí sus obligaciones, y para que conste lo firmé ut supra.
Fray Faustino Gonzalez (rúbrica)

María Carmen Peña Paula, daughter of gentile parents of the Yuma nation
In the year of the Lord 1814 on the 29th day of June, I, Friar Faustino Gonzalez, Minister of this Village of Caborca, baptized a female child who would appear to be six years old, daughter of gentile parents of the Yuma nation, who was purchased by Josefa Milana, resident of this said village. Her godparents were Joseh Canastillo, a single man, and his mother, the said Josefa Milana. I gave her the name María Carmen Peña Paula, and the godparents were charged with and advised of their obligations, and in certification of which I signed as above.
Friar Faustino Gonzalez (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24246 Given Name: María Carmen Peña Paula Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24247 Given Name: Josefa Surname: Milana Relationship: Godmother and foster mother
Personal ID: 24248 Given Name: José Surname: Canastillo Relationship: Godfather
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