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Event ID: 8728 Book: Caborca 3 Page Number: 128v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 02/15/1828 Event Place: Caborca
José Faustino, de padres gentiles, Yuma
En el año del Señor de mil ochocientos y veinte y ocho día quince de febrero, Yo, Fray Faustino Gonzalez, Ministro de este Pueblo de Caborca, bautizé solemnemente en la iglesia a un muchacho que tendrá seis años, hijo de padres gentiles que cautivado por los Indios Yumas del Colorado. Le tome en la forma que ellos los venden, para la cocinera de la misión. Le pusé José Faustino, y fueron padrinos José María Leyba, soltero, y su madre Josefa Milana, casada de razón. Para que conste lo firmé.
Fray Faustino Gonzalez (rúbrica)

José Faustino, of gentile parents, Yuma
In the year of the Lord 1828 on the 15th day of February, I, Friar Faustino Gonzalez, Minister of this Village Caborca, solemnly baptized a boy in the church who will be six years old. He is the son of gentile parents and captured by the Yuma Indians of the Colorado. I obtained him in the customary way in which they sell [their captives] for the cook of the mission. I named him José Faustino, and his godparents were José María Leyba, a single man, and his mother, Josefa Milana, a married woman of reason. In certification of this I signed.
Friar Faustino Gonzalez (rubric)
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 24016 Given Name: Faustino Surname: Gonzales Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24247 Given Name: Josefa Surname: Milana Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 24249 Given Name: José Faustino Surname: Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24250 Given Name: José María Surname: Leiva Relationship: Godfather
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