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Event ID: 8788 Book: Oquitoa 1 Page Number: 45v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 09/12/1798 Event Place: Oquitoa
María Gorgonia, párvula
En el año del Señor de mil setecientos noventa y ocho en el día doce de septiembre, Yo, Fraile Francisco Moyano, Misionero Apostólico y Ministro por Su Majestad de esta Mision de San Antonio de Oquitoa, bauticé solemnemente a una niña que nació el día nueve de dicho mes y año, a quien puse por nombre María Gorgonia, hija legítima de Gregorio Villaescusa y Michaela Santos, Nijora. Fueron sus padrinos Josef Manuel Galvez y María Antonia Torres, hijos de dicho pueblo, a quienes advertí el parentesco espiritual y demás obligaciones para que conste, lo firmé en dicho día, mes, y año ut supra.
Fraile Francisco Moyano (rúbrica)

María Gorgonia, child
In the year of the Lord 1798 on the 12th day of September, I, Friar Francisco Moyano, Apostolic Missionary and Minister for His Majesty in this Mission of San Antonio de Oquitoa, solemnly baptized a female child who was born on the 9th day of the said mont and year, whom I gave the name María Gorgonia. She is the legitimate daughter of Gregorio Villaescusa y Michaela Santos, a Nijora. Her godparents were Josef Manuel Galvez and María Antonia Torres, children of the said village, whom I advised of the spiritual relationship and other obligations, in certification of which I signed on the said day, month, and year as above.
Friar Francisco Moyano (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 15421 Given Name: Francisco Surname: Moyano Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24384 Given Name: María Micaela de los Santos Surname: Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 24406 Given Name: María Gorgonia Surname: Villaescusa Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24407 Given Name: Gregorio Surname: Villaescusa Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 24408 Given Name: José Manuel Surname: Galvez Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 24409 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Torres Relationship: Godmother
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