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Event ID: 8818 Book: Pitic, Presidio-M1 Page Number: 85-85v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 09/24/1825 Event Place: Pitic
Joaquín de Loustaunau y Josefa Andrade
En esta Villa del Pitic, a los veinte y cuatro días del mes de septiembre de mil ochocientos veinte y cinco años, omitadas las tres canonicas moniciones en virtud de dispensa del Señor Gobernador de ésta sagrada mitra, Bachiller Don Miguel María Espinosa de los Monteros y habiendo obtenido al mismo tiempo la de extraño obispado, como consta por decreto fechado en Culiacán, Yo, el Bachiller Don Juan Francisco de Escalante, Cura Interino de éste partido, casé infacie ecclesie el ciudadano Joaquín de Loustaunau, viudo de la ciudadana Fermina Andrade, con la ciudadana Josefa Andrade (con que se dispensó un parentesco de afinidad en primero con segundo grada linea transversal), originaria del Real de San Ildefonso de la Cieneguilla y vecina de éste lugar, soltera, hija legítima del legítimo matrimonio de los ciudadanos Antonio Andrade y Vicenta Feliz. Fueron presentes a éste acto los ciudadanos Rafael Diaz y José María Moreno. Fueron padrinos los ciudadanos el Capitán Ramón Mier por poder del ciudadano Juan Miguel Riesgo y María del Carmen Feliz, y para que conste lo firmé.
Bachiller Juan Francisco de Escalante (rúbrica)
En continua en ésta partida se velaron en ésa Paroquia del Pitic el día 30 de enero de 1826 por mi, el mismo cura.
Bachiller Escalante (rúbrica)

Joaquín de Loustaunau and Josefa Andrade
In this Town of Pitic, on the twenty-fourth day of the month of September of the year 1825, the three canonical banns having been omited by virtue of a dispensation of the Lord Governor of this sacred bishopric, Bachiller Don Miguel María Espinosa de los Monteros, and having obtained at the same time that of the foreign bishopric, as certified by the decree dated in Culiacán, I, the Bachiller Don Juan Francisco de Escalante, Provisional Priest of this jurisdiction, married in church ceremony inhabitant Joaquín de Loustaunau, widower of inhabitant Fermina Andrade, and inhabitant Josefa Andrade (in which dispensation was given for a relationship by marriage in the first and second degree of transversal lineage), originally from the Royal Mining Camp of San Ildefonso de la Cieneguilla and resident of this place, a single lady and legitimate daughter of the legitimate marriage of inhabitants Antonio Andrade and Vicenta Feliz. Present at these proceedings were inhabitants Rafael Diaz and José María Moreno. Godparents were inhabitants Capitán Ramón Mier by power granted by inhabitant Juan Miguel Riesgo, and María del Carmen Feliz, in certification of which I signed.
Bachiller Juan Francisco de Escalante (rubric)
In continuation of this entry, they were veiled in this Parish of Pitic on the 30th day of January 1826 by me, the same priest.
Bachiller Escalante (rúbrica)
Event Relationship [12 Records]

Personal ID: 24479 Given Name: Juan Francisco de Surname: Escalante Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24488 Given Name: Miguel María Surname: Espinosa de los Monteros Relationship: Grantor of dispensation
Personal ID: 24489 Given Name: Joaquín Surname: Loustaunau Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 24490 Given Name: Fermina Surname: Andrade Relationship: Former wife of the groom
Personal ID: 24491 Given Name: Josefa Surname: Andrade Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 24492 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Andrade Relationship: Father of the Bride
Personal ID: 24493 Given Name: Vicenta Surname: Feliz Relationship: Mother of the bride
Personal ID: 24494 Given Name: Rafael Surname: Diaz Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24495 Given Name: José María Surname: Moreno Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24496 Given Name: Ramón Surname: Mier Relationship: Proxy Godfather
Personal ID: 24497 Given Name: Juan Miguel Surname: Riesgo Relationship: Ex Facto Godfather
Personal ID: 24498 Given Name: María del Carmen Surname: Feliz Relationship: Godmother
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