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Event ID: 8827 Book: Pitic B2 Page Number: 81
Event: Baptism Event Date: 11/21/1823 Event Place: Pitic
María de Jesús de Aynsa
En la Santa Iglesia parroquial de esta Villa del Pitic a los veinte y un días del mes de noviembre de mil ochocientos veinte y tres, Yo, el Bachiller Don Juan Francisco de Escalante, Cura Inturino de este partido bauticé solemnemente [y] puse los santos oleo y crisma a una adulta gentil como de ocho años, a quien nombré María de Jesús, hija de padres incógnitos y de adopción de Don Manuel de Ainza y de Doña Filomena de Yslas, ciudadaños y vecinos de este lugar. Fue madrina Doña Rosa de Anza, a quien advertí su oblilgación y parentesco espiritual; y para que conste lof firmé.
Bachiller Juan Francisco de Escalante (rúbrica)

María de Jesús de Aynsa
In the holy parochial church of this village of Pitic on the 21st day of the month of Noveember of 1823, I, Bachiller Don Juan Francisco de Escalante, provisional priest of this jurisdiction solemnly baptized and anointed with holy oil and chrism an adult gentile of about eight years of age, whom I named María de Jesús, the daughter of unknown parents and by adoption of Don Manuel de Ainza and Doña Filomena de Yslas, citizens and residents of this place. Her godmother was Doña Rosa de Anza, whom I advised of her obligation and spiritual relationship; and in certification of this I signed.
Bachiller Juan Francisco de Escalante (rubric)
Event Relationship [5 Records]

Personal ID: 9703 Given Name: María Rosa de Surname: Ansa Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 24479 Given Name: Juan Francisco de Surname: Escalante Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24480 Given Name: Manuel de Surname: Ainza Relationship: Adoptive Father
Personal ID: 24483 Given Name: Filomena de Surname: Islas Relationship: Adoptive Mother
Personal ID: 24512 Given Name: María de Jesús de Surname: Ainza Relationship: Baptized
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