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Event ID: 8830 Book: Pitic B3 Page Number: 340v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 05/16/1826 Event Place: Pitic
Ciudadano Joseph Alsof, Adulto
En la Santa Iglesia Parochial de esta Villa de Pitic, a los diez y seis días del mes de mayo, de mil ochocientos veinte y siete, yo el ciudadano Bachiller Juan Francisco de Escalante, Cura Interino de este partido suplí las ceremonias, estando ya con el agua de socorro en articulo de muerte al ciudadano Josef, su apelativo Alsof, de nación Anglo-Americano, de edad de viente y cinco años, de esta vecindad. Fue padrino el ciudadano Manuel de Ainza, a quien advertí su obligación y parentesco, y para que conste lof firme.
Fraile Juan Francisco de Escalante (rúbrica)

Inhabitant Josef Alsof, Adult
In the holy parochial church of this town of Pitic, on the 16th day of the month of May, of 1826, I, inhabitan Bachiller Juan Francisco Escalante, provisional priest of this jurisdiction provided the ceremony, the water of baptism having already by applied in case of death, for inhabitant Josef, surnamed Alsof, of the Anglo-American nation. He is twenty eight years of age and resident here. His godfather was Manuel de Ainza, whom I advised of his obligation and relationship, and in certification of which I signed.
Friar Juan Francisco Escalante (rubric)
Event Relationship [3 Records]

Personal ID: 24479 Given Name: Juan Francisco de Surname: Escalante Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24480 Given Name: Manuel de Surname: Ainza Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 24518 Given Name: José Surname: Alsof Relationship: Baptized
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