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Event ID: 8864 Book: Hermosillo M3 Page Number: 115v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 05/31/1856 Event Place: Hermosillo
696, Don Agustín Ainsa y Doña Emilia Yñigo
En esta Iglesia Parroquial de esta ciudad de Hermosillo a los treinta y un días del mes de mayo de mil ochocientos cincuenta y seis ontuidas las canonicas moniciones por las hacerlos dispensado por el Señor Vicario Vicente Oviedo con fecha de treinta y uno de mayo del coriente año, suplicado de palabra sobre su consentimiento mutuo, Yo, el Bachiller Don José Antonio Osorio, Cura encargado de la misma parroquia, casé y velé infacie eclesie a Don Agustín Ainsa, soltero, natural de esta ciudad, y actualmente avecindado en San Francisco de Alta California hace seis años, de profesión comerciante, hijo legítimo y de legítimo matrimonio de Don Manuel Ainsa y de Filomena Islas; con Doña Emilia Yñigo, soltera, natural de San Fernando de Guaymas, y vecina de esta ciudad desde sus primeros años, hija legítima y de legítimo matrimonio de Don Manuel Yñigo y de Doña Carmen Bojorquez. Presentiaron este acto Don Fernando Cubillas y Don Eusebio Salgado. Siendo padrinos Don Manuel Yñigo y Doña Filomena Ainsa, y para constancia firmé.
José Antonio Osorio (rúbrica)

Don Agustín Ainsa and Doña Emilia Yñigo
Iln this parochial church of the city of Hermosillo on the 31st day of May, 1856, the three canonical banns having been dispensed by Lord Vicar Vicente Oviedo with the date of the 31st of May of the present year, and with written verification of their mutual consent, I, Bachiller Don José Antonio Osorio, the priest in charge of the same parish, married and veiled in church ceremony Don Agustín Ainsa, a single man, native of this city, and having lived in San Francisco in Alta California for the past six years, a merchant by profession, the legitimate son of the legitimate marriage of Don Manuel Ainsa and Filomena Islas; and Doña Emilia Yñigo, a single lady, native of San Fernando de Guaymas, and a resident of this city since her earliest years, legitimate daughter of the legitimate marriage of Don Manuel Yñigo and Doña Carmen Bojorquez. Witnesses of this act were Don Fernando Cubillas and Don Eusebio Salgado. Godparents were Don Manuel Yñigo y Doña Filomena Ainsa, in certification of which I signed.
José Antonio Osorio (rubric)
Event Relationship [10 Records]

Personal ID: 24480 Given Name: Manuel de Surname: Ainza Relationship: Father of the groom
Personal ID: 24483 Given Name: Filomena de Surname: Islas Relationship: Mother of the groom; Godmother
Personal ID: 24506 Given Name: José Agustín Francisco de Paula de Surname: Ainza Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 24550 Given Name: José Antonio Surname: Osorio Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24553 Given Name: Eusebio Surname: Salgado Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24569 Given Name: Fernando Surname: Cubillas Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 24682 Given Name: Vicente Surname: Oviedo Relationship: Grantor of dispensation
Personal ID: 24683 Given Name: Emilia Surname: Iñigo Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 24684 Given Name: Manuel Surname: Iñigo Relationship: Father of the bride; Godfather
Personal ID: 24685 Given Name: Carmen Surname: Bojorquez Relationship: Mother of the bride
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