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Event ID: 8871 Book: Hermosillo B10 Page Number: 27v
Event: Baptism Event Date: 04/06/1869 Event Place: Hermosillo
214, José Wenceslao Ricardo Loustaunau
En la parroquia de Hermosillo a seis de abril de mil ochocientos sesenta y nueve, yo el cura y vicario Señor Licenciado Don Florencio Molina bauticé solemnemente y puse los santos oleos y crisma a un niño nacido el tres de este a quien nombré J. Wenceslao Ricardo, hijo legítimo de Wenceslao Loustaunau y de Teresa Yslas. Padrinos Adolfo Loustaunau y Adelaida Yslas a quienes advertí su parentezco espiritual y demas obligaciones y para consta lo firmé.
Señor Florencio Molina (rúbrica)

214, José Wenceslao Ricardo Loustaunau
In the parish of Hermosillo on the 6th of April, 1869, I, the Priest and Vicor Señor Licenciate Don Florencio Molina solemnly baptizd and anointed with holy oil and chrism a child born on the 3rd of this month whom I named J. Wenceslao Ricardo, the legitimate son of Wenceslao Loustaunau and Teresa Yslas. Godparents were Adolfo Loustaunau and Adelaida Yslas, whom I advised of their spiritual relationship and other obligations, and in certification of which I signed.
Señor Florencio Molina (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 24542 Given Name: Florencio Surname: Molina Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 24543 Given Name: José Wenceslao Surname: Loustaunau Relationship: Father
Personal ID: 24544 Given Name: María Teresa Feliciana Surname: Islas Relationship: Mother
Personal ID: 24551 Given Name: Adolfo Surname: Loustaunau Relationship: Godfather
Personal ID: 24697 Given Name: José Wenceslao Ricardo Surname: Loustaunau Relationship: Baptized
Personal ID: 24698 Given Name: Adelaida Surname: Islas Relationship: Godmother
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