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Credit Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA
Event ID: 8887 Book: Pitiquito M4 Page Number: 183
Event: Marriage Event Date: 02/06/1774 Event Place: Pitiquito
Ciprian con Lucia
En el Pueblo de Señor San Diego del Pitiqui en seis días del mes de febrero de mil setecientos, setenta y cuatro, yo, el infraescrito ministro echas la debidas diligencias, y no resultando impedimento alguno, casé coramfacie eclesie a Ciprian, viudo de Catharina, con Lucia, soltera. Fueron testigos Ignacio el Gobernador y Ygnacio el Intérprete, y para que conste lo firmo dicho día, mes, y año, ut supra.
Fraile Ambrosio Calzada (rúbrica)

Ciprian and Lucia
In the village of Lord San Diego of Pitiqui on the 6th day of the month of February of 1774, I, the undersigned minister plublished the necessary notices, and with no impediment resultinc, I married Ciprian, widower of Catharina, and Lucia, a single lady. Witnesses were Ignacio the Gobernador and Ygnacio the Interpreter, and in certification of the same I sign on the same day, month, and year as above
Friar Ambrosio Calzada (rubric)
Event Relationship [6 Records]

Personal ID: 6905 Given Name: Ambrosio Surname: Calzada Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 23756 Given Name: Ignacio Surname: Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 23759 Given Name: Ignacio Surname: Espinosa Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 23945 Given Name: Lucía Surname: Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 23946 Given Name: Ciprian Surname: Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 24731 Given Name: Catalina Surname: Relationship: Former Wife
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