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Event ID: 8904 Book: Graham County Court Minutes Page Number: 148
Event: Sentencing Event Date: 10/24/1903 Event Place: Solomonville
Territory of Arizona
Abraham F. Salcido
No. 965½,
The District Attorney Chas. L. Rawlins, Esq. and the defendant in person and by Counsel Thos. S. Bunch, Esq. came into court and this being the hour set for sentence herein the Court says: “Abraham F. Salcido, stand up. On the 12th day of October, A.D. 1903 you were indicted by the Grand Jury of this County for the crime of Riot. To this indictment you plead ‘not guilty.’ On the 15th day of October, A.D. 1903, you were given a fair and impartial trial in this Court, before a jury of you piers, and said jury returned into open Court their verdict, finding you guilty in manner and form as charged in the indictment. Have you anything to say or legal cause to show why the judgment of this Court should not now be pronounced against you?” The defendant replied: “I have nothing to say.” No legal cause being shown or appearing to the Court, the Court doth render its judgment: “That, whereas, you, Abraham F. Salcido, having been, on the 17th day of October A.D. 1903 [in] a fair and impartial trial in this Court, found guilty by a jury of your peers of the crime of Riot. It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed that you, Abraham F. Salcido, are guilty of the crime of Riot and that you be punished therefore by imprisonment in the territorial prison of the Territory of Arizona at Yuma, Arizona, for the term of two (2) years commencing from the date of sentence herein, viz.: the 24th day of October, A.D. 1903, and by the payment of a fine of one thousand (1000) dollars. And it is further ordered that you be and you are hereby remanded to the custody of the sheriff to be by him safely delivered into the custody of the proper officers of said territorial prison and that a certified copy of this order and judgment shall be sufficient authority for the said sheriff to take, keep, and safely deliver you, Abraham F. Salcido, into the custody of the warden of said territorial prison of the Territory of Arizona at Yuma, Arizona, and shall be sufficient command unto the warden of the said territorial prison at Yuma, Arizona to receive and safely keep you, Abraham F. Salcido, in said territorial prison at Yuma, Arizona for the term of two (2) years, commencing from the date of sentence herein, viz.: the 24th day of October, A.D. 1903.
Event Relationship [4 Records]

Personal ID: 24738 Given Name: Fletcher M. Surname: Doan Relationship: Judge
Personal ID: 24739 Given Name: Charles L. Surname: Rawlins Relationship: District Attorney
Personal ID: 24740 Given Name: Thomas S. Surname: Bunch Relationship: Counsel for the defense
Personal ID: 24759 Given Name: Abrán F. Surname: Salcido Relationship: Defendant
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